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'Praelectiones Clinicae', by Herman Boerhaave

'Lectores Clinicae etc H Boerhaave Volume II'. The headings are: 'De Phthisi', 'De Atrophia', 'Febris Hectica' (in English), 'De Haemoptoe' and 'Phthisis Uterina'. Index at rear.



Letter from S J, Edinburgh to William Cullen

He sends his thoughts on paragraph 836 of First Lines, 'the sudden diminution of the weight of the atmosphere as an exciting cause of haemoptysis'. The correspondent feels that lack of pressure would lessen the flow of blood from the lungs. He also does not think there is a seasonal affect and mentions the impact ascending in a balloon would have. In index

11 Mar 1788


William Cullen's lectures on practice of physic, volume 4

The headings are: 'Tumours', 'Of Ulcers', 'Hydrophobia', 'Vesania', 'Dropsy', 'Rachitis', 'Scurvy', 'Scorbutus','Chlorosis', 'Of Inflammation', 'Phlegmasia', 'Of the gout', 'Exanthemata', 'Small pox', 'Scarlatina', 'Plague', 'Miliaria', 'Urticaria', 'Profluvia', 'Dysentery', 'Haemorrhagia', 'Menorrhagia', 'Epistaxis', 'Hemoptysis', 'Phthisis', 'Hemorrhois [haemorrhoids]', 'Fluor Albus', 'Aitiologia', 'The Application of Philosophy', 'Prolegomena', 'History of Medicine' and 'History of Practice'. At the rear are lists of names and a table forming part of a a chronology of medicine. Includes a lecture dated 4th November 1746 two-thirds of the way through the volume. See also CUL/2/2/13. Described in the original manuscript catalogue as 'in his own hand'.

4 Nov 1746 - c1770


'First Lines on the Practice of Physic for the Use of Students in the University of Edinburgh...

Book IV - 'Of Hemorrhagies' consists of chapters 2-8: 'Of the epstaxis or hemorrhagy of the nose', 'Of the hemoptysis of hemorrhagy from the lungs', 'Of the phthisis pulmonalis or consumption of the lungs', 'Of the haemorrhois of of the haemorrhoidal swelling and flux', 'Of the mennorhagia or the immoderate flow of the menses', 'Of the leucorrhea, fluor albus or whites' and 'Of the amenorrhea or interruption of the menstrual flux'. Book V - 'Of Profluvia, or Fluxes with Pyrexia' consists of two chapters: 'Of the catarrh'; and 'Of the dysentery'. Heavily annotated. The annotations at the back of the volume (p386) are dated 5th April 1781. Index to the first and second volumes at the rear.



Sir John Pringle's Manuscript Medical Annotations by Jessie Dobson

In the first section, under each heading, Dobson gives examples of what Pringle had written on the subject and the folio numbers for the first three volumes only. She has not retained the original spellings. The subjects included are: dysentery; fevers; phthisis pulmonalis and haemoptoe; hectic heats, hectic and slow fevers; ulcerous sort throat; rheumatism; smallpox; sprains, luxations and contusions; diseases of the stomach and intestines; diarrhoea and lienteria; the use of mercury and mercurials; stone and gravel; haemorrhages; deafness and other diseases of the ear; ophthalmia; burns; of the nature of fire and in particular the heat of the human body; apoplexy and palsy; epilepsy; volatile and foetid antispasmodics; mania melancholia; diseases of the heart and circulation; erysipelas; cholera; tetanus, opisthotonos, emprosthotonos, locking of the jaws; lepra [leprosy], scurf, tetters and other foulnesses of the skin; dropsy; hydrocephalus; worms; ani morbi; hepatitis, jaundice, gallstones; diseases of breeding and lying-in women; diseases of infants and children; scrofula; remedies [in which she summarises a number of Pringle's sections on treatments]; and diseases of different climates.

In the second section she includes all the notes Pringle included by William and John Hunter from all ten volumes. At the end she includes biographical notes on John Freind, Richard Huck Saunders, Sir Edward Hulse, John Senac, Sir Robert Walpole and Robert Whytt.

There is a letter at the front of the file from Jessie Dobson to the Honorary Librarian of the College dated 25th April 1969. In it she explains the work she did on the first three volumes of Pringle's Medical Annotations with a further selection of any comments made by William and John Hunter from the later volumes. She also donates a copy of her notes to the library. A reply from the College Librarian is also included.



Letter from James Jeffray, Rome, Italy, to William Hamilton

Addressed to William Hamilton. He reports on his own health (haemoptysis) and that of Mr Stirling and what he has observed of Italian physicians particularly one administering the bark as a salt. He describes Holy Week and seeing Pius VI 'Garrick could not have acted with more dignity and propriety'.

6 Apr 1787


Lecture file of Thomas Laycock: Haemoptysis - Phthisis - Cancer - Hydatids

Contains 'Etiology of Phthisis'; 'Pulmonary Consumption - Phthisis'; 'Tubercular and Pretubercular Haemoptysis'; 'Constitutional Diseases of the Lungs - Proem - Haemoptysis'; and untitled notes on phthisis. Also includes 'On the treatment of pulmonary consumption' by Thomas K Chambers, 1861; 'On embolic phthisis and tubercle' by Andrew Clark, 1866; 'On arterial murmurs in incipient phthisis' by W S Kirkes, 1862; 'The use of arsenic in phthisis' by Arthur Leared, 1863; 'On subclavian murmur' by Thomas Palmer, 1864; 'A statistical inquiry into the prevalence of numerous conditions affecting the constitution in one thousand phthisical persons when in health' by Dr Edward Smith, 1862; 'Millstone makers phthisis' by Dr Peacock, 1860; 'Treatment of Phthisis by the Chlorate of Potash' by Dr E J Fountain; and small cuttings on disease of the tricuspid valve with cirrhosis of the lung, comparative statistics of climate, aphonia in tuberculosis of the lung, poor law medical reform, fibroid degeneration of the lungs, spurious chlorosis, chronic consumption etc 1862-1873.



'Clinical Lectures on the Physiognomical Diagnosis of Disease' and 'Clinical Remarks on points in...

Printed in the Medical Times and Gazette with illustrations. There are 11 lectures on physiognomical diagnosis covering the importance of diagnosis of constitutions in practice, diathetic diagnosis, methods of observation, how influence of hereditary tendencies should be determined, temperament, handwriting as modified by the nervous system, diagnosis of degeneration, degenerations of nervous system, diathetic diagnosis of pulmonary consumption, physiognomy of the scrofulous diseases, syphilitic scrofula, rheumatic consumption, diathetic diagnosis of gouty or atheromatous consumptions and haemoptysis, diathetic diagnosis of Bright's disease and or cardiac and renal dropsies, oedema and anasarca, the diagnosis of blood diseases and skin diseases.

The lecture on practical therapeutics covers the difficulties of therapeutical inquiry and observation, tonics, strychnine, quinine, iodide of potassium, mercury and podophyllin.

Includes inserts: notes on precordial vascularity and the beard and complexion, at February 1st 1862; and letter from Arthur Mitchell concerning the ears of idiots and imbeciles with additional notes, December 2nd 1861.

Jan 1862-Jan 1863


Clinical lecture of Sir Robert Philip: Profuse Haemoptysis

Includes an outline of the lecture; case notes; printed synopsis of epistaxis and haemoptysis for Philp's class of Practice of Medicine; and printed article on haemoptysis by Philip.



Medical Annotations Volume 1 by Sir John Pringle

The volume is divided into short chapters headed: dysentery; mercury and mercurials; lues venerea; gonorrhoea virulenta; pharmaceutical observations; sprains, luxations and contusions; ileus or inflammatory colic; pregnantium and parturientium morbi; chalybeates; Peruvian bark; flatulence and carminatives; fevers in general; hiccup; rheumatism; small pox; apoplexy and palsy; hydrocephalus; ani morbi; hepatitis, jaundice, gallstones and other diseases of the liver; military fevers; epilepsy; hectic heats, hectic and slow fevers; haemoptoe and phthisis pulmonalis; turpentine; disorders of the stomach and intestines - worms, colics and fluxes excepted; diuretics; vertigo; dropsy; antimony and antimonials; diseases of the kidneys and bladder; diseases of breeding and lying-in women; volatile alkaline salts and spirits; setons and issues; blisters and sinapisms; bleeding, cupping etc; mineral and vegetable acids; ulcers and sores; plasters, ointments etc; cataplasms and fomentations; lime water; worms; virginian snakeroot; diseases of infants and children; struma or scrofula and other glandular tumours; ulcerous sore throat; erysipelas inflammation; lepra [leprosy], scurfs, tetters and other cutaneous foulnesses; and burns.

On the front flyleaf is a note by Pringle that he bequeaths the ten volumes of Medical Annotations to the library of the Royal College of Physicians, dated 21st February 1780. Dated from entry p18.



Medical Annotations Volume 2 by Sir John Pringle, United States of America

The volume is divided into short chapters including the headings: diarrhoea and lienteria; gum ammoniacum; soap; cephalalgia, hemicrania; haemorrhages, floodings etc (haemoptoe excepted); pleurisy and perpneumony; cholera; tussis convulsiva; dolor nephriticus; morbus articularis [gout]; diseases of the army in America in campaign 1759 & 1760 which consists of a letter from Dr Richard Huck dated 5th December 1760 from New York [United States of America] and pasted into the volume; intermittents and other periodical diseases; yellow and bilious fever of the West Indies [Jamaica]; colics in general; essential oils, aromatics and cordials; and emetics.

Inserted at p154 is a letter from Alexander Garden at Charleston mostly concerning treatment with mercury, dated 25th April 1761. Attached to pp159 and inserted at p160 are letters from Van Swieten in Latin, dated 13th January 1762, 29th April 1763 and 6th June 1764. Attached to p167 is a letter from Joannes Baptista Morgagni, dated March 1763. Pages 171-202 are pasted in and are in Latin and another handwriting. Pages 119-122 and 131-136 have been cut out. Dated from an entry on p130.



Medical Annotations Volume 6 by Sir John Pringle

The volume is divided into short chapters including the headings: obstinate cough; apoplexy, palsy and numbness; folia cicuta [Hemlock]; Jesuites bark; air, climates, diet, exercise; causes of contagious diseases; bread; of the pulse and crises in fevers; fixed alkaline salts and soap; blisters, issues, setons, sinapisms; and haemoptoe and vomiting of blood.

Inserted at p191 are three letters from Van Swieten dated 18th December 1760, 13th January 1762 and 20th July 1764 in Latin and English. Inserted at p494 an account of the state of the weather at Gibraltar in the month of September when influenza was at its height on board His Majesty's fleet, dated 1762; and an account of the epidemick cold that appeared in the town of Newcastle upon Tyne in the spring 1762 with further accounts in Latin by the physician to the Russian minister at Vienna and the physician to the King of Prussia. Inserted at p499 are two letters in French concerning taenia, dated 1762 and transcribed within the volume. Inserted at p521 is a letter from a physician in Marseilles concerning spa water, dated 1763. Pages 57-64 and 178-179 have been cut out. The volume is a draft copy with numerous amendments. The index of names and places is at the rear. Dated from an entry on p229.



Medical Annotations Volume 10 by Sir John Pringle

The volume is divided into short chapters headed: haemorrhoids; soap and fixed alkaline salts; neutral salts; astringents; opiates; small pox; asthma; Peruvian bark; gout; ophthalmia; colds, coughs and pectorals; phthisis pulmonalis and haemoptoe; hemorrhages and floodings; tussis convulsiva; measles; gangrene or mortification; menses and chlorosis; diseases of infants; white swelling; convulsive disorders; sea and marsh scurvy; hysterical hypochondriacal and other nervous disorders; thermae warm bath and vapour bath; sternatatories; lepra [leprosy], scurf, tetters; syncope; epidemic fever and dysentery in Franche Comté; and dysentery. There are far fewer cross references to previous volumes.

The volume is a draft copy with amendments. There is no index to diet and medicines and the index of names and places is at the rear. Dated from an entry on p85.



Clinical lectures given by Dr John Rutherford in the Royal Infirmary at Edinburgh, volume 2

The volume consists of a case note for each of the following conditions: cattarh, pleurisy, epilepsy, diarrhoea and haemoptoe (pp1-51). This is then followed by: 'Directions for Innoculating the Small Pox' by Andrew St Clair (pp52-69); 'Directions concerning Inoculation' by Dr Rutherford (pp70-71); 'Of the Venereal Disease' [pp72-106]; 'Of the Scurvy' (pp107-117); 'Of the fluor albus' (pp118-123); 'Of the Head-ach [ache]' (pp124-132); 'Of the Scrophula' (pp133-143); and 'Of the Epilepsy' (pp144-166). After the index at the rear are two treatments for piles, a recipe for cough mixture and one for tincture of squills. Although no author is given for the essays they are on the same subjects as those at RJO/3/1.

The other volumes in this series are much earlier. However, the cases are not the same as in the earlier volumes so it is not simply a later copy. It is possible that Rutherford kept lecturing until two years before he died. The student who took the notes is not known, nor is the location of volume 1.



Insert from the Casebook of Robert Whytt Volume 1: In Haemoptoe

Undated. Inserted at p58.
