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Letter from John Nimmo, 64 Hutchison Street, [Glasgow], Scotland to John Abercrombie

He writes about a plan to open vapour baths which already operate in Edinburgh and asks about their beneficial effects. He also asks whether Abercrombie had used prussic acid as had been trialled by Dr Granville and others in London, England. Nimmo had found it useful for whooping cough although he had trouble sourcing acid of a constant standard. He gives the formula that he used.

17 Jan 1821


'Observations on a peculiar and dangerous disease of Infants' by John Abercrombie

Draft handwritten paper on an as yet unnamed disease which affects infants from 6-8 months with convulsions and a crowing sound resembling hooping cough. Undated. The year 1816 is in the watermark on the paper but as it is so similar in format to ABJ/5/2 it is probably later.



The Cresolene Vaporizer

Part of the collection of medical instruments collected by William Alister Alexander. A vapour inhalant for easing whooping cough. Instrument is a small kerosene lamp in its original box with an information leaflet. Dated from a testimonial in the leaflet. Made by Vapo-Cresolene Co.



Index to a volume of papers, provenance unknown

The index may be from a bound volume of papers given to a medical society or similar. The list is 'Observations on Phrenitis Vera' by Walter Craufurd; 'Remarks on Ascites' by J Borland; 'Observations on Dyspepsia' by J Rogerson; 'On Hepatitis' by W Cochran; 'Some Observations on Acute Rheumatism' by Robert Sime; 'On Fluor Albus' by William Graham; 'Observations on Small-Pox' by James MacDonald; 'Considerations upon Palsy' by Thomas Addis Emmet; 'On Diabetes' by James Forster; 'On Catarrh' by Adam Mitchell; 'On Pleurisy' by John Barrow; 'On Phthisis Pulmonalis' by J Rutter; 'On Jaundice' by Mr Cassillis Shaw; 'On Cholera' by William Steedman; 'On Hydrothorax' by J Hamming; 'On Chin-cough' by J Towers; 'On Dysentery' by Samuel [Fitt?]; 'On Hypochondriasis' by J Laidlaw; 'On Puerperal Fever' by W Scott; and 'Observation on Menorrhagia' by J Towers.



Child and infant health leaflet collection of Jane Copland

This collection was found inside a book deposited with the College library in 2019 (Bl 4.80) by Dorothy F Egan, 'Developmental Screening, 0-5 years'. It is accompanied by an envelope with Jane Copland's address on it.

The file contains:

Template letter from City of Edinburgh Health Department regarding steps to combat nits amongst schoolchildren

Edinburgh Health Department blank immunisation record form

Edinburgh Health Department blank vaccination record form

List of Edinburgh child health centres, with opening times and contact information

City of Edinburgh Health Department - defective vision form

Leaflet titled 'You and Your New Baby'

Leaflet titled 'Principles of Weaning'

City of Edinburgh Health Department - tonsils / adenoids / running ears / deafness form

St George's School for Girls 1966 rules as to infectious diseases

City of Edinburgh Health Department - doctor form

Leaflet titled 'Children who are immunised against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough and measles are protected. Mothers whose children have been immunised are happy'

City of Edinburgh Health Department - German measles leaflet

City of Edinburgh Health Department - tuberculosis leaflet

Vaccine triple antigen leaflet (x2)

Child immunisation assessment schedule (x2)

BCG vaccination of children approaching school-leaving age, note of procedure



'First Lines on the Practice of Physic for the Use of Students in the University of Edinburgh...

Part II - 'Of Neuroses or Nervous Diseases' contains: Book I 'Of Comata' consisting of two chapters: 'Of Apoplexy' and 'Of Palsy'; Book II 'Of Adynamiae or Diseases consisting in a weakness or loss of motion in either the vital or natural functions' consisting of three chapters: 'Of Syncope or fainting', 'Of dyspepsia or indigestion' and 'Of hypochondriasis or the hypochondriac affection commonly called Vapours or Low Spirits'; Book III - 'Of Spasmodic Affections' consisting of 14 chapters: 'Of tetanus', 'Of Epilepsy', 'Of the chorea or danse of St Vitus', 'Of the spasmodic affections of the vital functions', 'Of the Palpitation of the Heart', 'Of Dyspnoea or difficult breathing', 'Of Asthma', 'Of the chincough or hooping cough', 'Of the spasmodic affections of the natural functions', 'Of the pyrosis or what is named in Scotland the water brash', 'Of the colic', 'Of the cholera', 'Of diarrhoea or looseness', 'Of the diabetes', 'Of hysteria or the hysteric disease' and 'Of canine madness and hydrophobia'. No annotations.



'Report Presented to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Respecting the Contagious...

Report giving an account of the contagious epidemics and other common contagious diseases seen by Dr Duncan and other medical practitioners in 1810 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and its surrounding areas. Three epidemics are described: Cynanche Parotidea (or mumps), Pertussis (or whooping cough), and Scarlatina Anginosa (or scarlet fever). Other diseases mentioned are Idiopathic Fever, Varicella (or chicken pox), and Variola (or smallpox). Duncan refers to a memoir by Dr James Home describing the Idiopathic Fevers treated in the clinical wards of the Royal Infirmary between 1 May and 1 August 1810. The report ends with a table outlining the number of burials of children and adults by month in Grey Friars, Canongate, Calton, West Church, Chapel of Ease, South Leith, and North Leith.



Medical notes of Alexander Hamilton

The majority of the papers are not dated. Contains: 'Some useful hints for my Introductory Lecture may be collected from the enclosed sketch', March 1817; index to the diseases of infancy and childhood; notes on various diseases, their symptoms and treatment including epilepsy, dyspepsia, pertussis and palpitation; notes on the problem of loss of sensation in the fingers written by James Mackenzie, late serjeant 3rd R N Batallion, Edinburgh Castle; description of the aboriginal tribes of New South Wales; notes on obstetrics and the diseases of children, c1820; notes on human physiology; pages 15-188 (with pages missing) of references to cases, experiments and diseases cited in other medical texts (with in reverse an index very similar to the one on an item at HAL/2/1/12), c1815; and pages 1-7 of an article on the movement of the heart written on the reverse of an earlier article on the same subject possibly part of his translation of Haller.



[Lectures on midwifery by James Hamilton]

Divided into two lectures and sections of observations on various works titled 'On Haemorrhage from the uterus when unempregnated' by William Symington', 'On Hysteria' by Pierce Hely, 'On Uterine haemorrhage during the two latter months of pregnancy' by Alexander John Morrison, 'History of the Nature Phenomena and treatment of Croup' by Thomas Moore Philson, 'On Hooping Cough' by John Bagley, 'Essay on Chlorasis' by Arthur Fanto and 'On Animal Heat' by James Turnbull. The volume concludes with another lecture.



Patient case notes of Henry Kirkman

Notebook contains patient case notes (a combination of Kirkman's own observations and transcribed cases of others). Includes cases from Guy's Hospital, London. Also includes medical recipes for a range of conditions including whooping cough and opium poisoning. For some of the recipes their sources are detailed, including the British Medical Journal.



Lecture file of Thomas Laycock: Diphtheria - Croup (Epid) [Epidemic] - Hoopg [Hooping] Cough

Contains 'Epidemic Diphtheria' with extract from textbook on communicable fevers allied to the exanthemata of doubtful nature and origin and cuttings on paralysis after diphtheria; 'Pertussis - Hooping Cough' with extract from textbook on pertussis; and 'Primary Croup - Epidemic Tracheitis - Diphtheritic tracheitis' with extract from textbook. Also includes 'Diphtheria as caused by oidium albicans' by Thomas Laycock, 1858; 'Paralysis after diphtheria' by William Moore, 1866; and cuttings on ulcers in whooping cough, treatment with perchloride of iron and diphtheria 1861-1871.



Notes by John Monro on infectious diseases

Notes by John Munro on typhoid and paratyphoid, basillary dysentery, diphtheria, erysipelas, scarlet fever, undulent fever, whooping cough, measles, German measles, mumps, chicken pox, small pox and polio. Index at the front and the pages are numbered 1-27.



Illustration captioned 'Newton idiot'

Illustration from the collection of Alexander Morison. Plate 83 of Morison’s 'The Physiognomy of Mental Diseases' (1840). Unsigned [François Rochard].

'Portrait of W. N.; aged 6 years.

This boy has been idiotic since his birth; his mother says that he became more so at three years of age, after measles and hooping-cough. His head appears to be well formed ; he sees, hears, smells, tastes, and feels, and he can repeat a few words such as — mother and poor boy ; he is attentive to the calls of nature, sleeps well and seldom wets his bed; he feeds himself, but will eat flesh and fish quite raw; he is very restless, and continually whines; when carried to the street, he takes hold of anything that is within his reach, but will avoid danger; he sometimes makes attempts to imitate others singing; he appears to have affection for his father and mother, and is fond of looking at his father at work as a tailor, claps his hands when he sees the needle move, and tries to imitate the operation of sewing.'



Medical Annotations Volume 2 by Sir John Pringle, United States of America

The volume is divided into short chapters including the headings: diarrhoea and lienteria; gum ammoniacum; soap; cephalalgia, hemicrania; haemorrhages, floodings etc (haemoptoe excepted); pleurisy and perpneumony; cholera; tussis convulsiva; dolor nephriticus; morbus articularis [gout]; diseases of the army in America in campaign 1759 & 1760 which consists of a letter from Dr Richard Huck dated 5th December 1760 from New York [United States of America] and pasted into the volume; intermittents and other periodical diseases; yellow and bilious fever of the West Indies [Jamaica]; colics in general; essential oils, aromatics and cordials; and emetics.

Inserted at p154 is a letter from Alexander Garden at Charleston mostly concerning treatment with mercury, dated 25th April 1761. Attached to pp159 and inserted at p160 are letters from Van Swieten in Latin, dated 13th January 1762, 29th April 1763 and 6th June 1764. Attached to p167 is a letter from Joannes Baptista Morgagni, dated March 1763. Pages 171-202 are pasted in and are in Latin and another handwriting. Pages 119-122 and 131-136 have been cut out. Dated from an entry on p130.



Medical Annotations Volume 10 by Sir John Pringle

The volume is divided into short chapters headed: haemorrhoids; soap and fixed alkaline salts; neutral salts; astringents; opiates; small pox; asthma; Peruvian bark; gout; ophthalmia; colds, coughs and pectorals; phthisis pulmonalis and haemoptoe; hemorrhages and floodings; tussis convulsiva; measles; gangrene or mortification; menses and chlorosis; diseases of infants; white swelling; convulsive disorders; sea and marsh scurvy; hysterical hypochondriacal and other nervous disorders; thermae warm bath and vapour bath; sternatatories; lepra [leprosy], scurf, tetters; syncope; epidemic fever and dysentery in Franche Comté; and dysentery. There are far fewer cross references to previous volumes.

The volume is a draft copy with amendments. There is no index to diet and medicines and the index of names and places is at the rear. Dated from an entry on p85.



Notebook of Sir John Pringle

These are notes and references to his 'Medical Annotations'. Some entries are just references to the relevant volume and page of 'Medical Annotations' but others give additional information. Arranged into sections headed: General Rules for Health; ague; ancylosis; asthma; apoplexy and recent palsy; belly hard in children; blood (spitting of); burns; breath offensive; a bruise; cachexy; cancer; childblains and kibes; chincough or hooping cough; colds; cholera morbus; chopt lips; colic in children; colic bilious; colic habitual; colic (painter's); clyster; consumption; contusions, luxations; convulsions; corns; costiveness; cough from a cold; cough with inflammation of the lungs; violent coughing; cramp of the legs; a cut; deafness; diabetes; diarrhoea; dropsy; dysentery; ear ach; ears itching; eyes (inflammed); eruptions in children; eyes (specks); expectoration to promote in pulmonary inflammations; excoriation to prevent when threatened by constant lying in bed; face foul; falling sickness or epilepsy; fevers in general; flatulence with low spirits; fits hysteric or convulsive; flux white; fundament, itching of; ganglion; gout; gravel; gums spungy and bleeding; head-ach; heat of the blood and thirst; hiccup; hoarseness; jaundice; hypochondriasis; ileus; inquietude, restlesssness or fidgets; itch; leprosy; lameness; leanness; weakness of the legs in children; leprosy or impetigo; lecucophley matia; lethargy; lock jaw; looseness; lumbago; lunacy; menses obstructed; measles; menstruation; coagulated milk; mouth sore or excoriated; nerve wounded; nerves, weakness of; pain (inflammatory); palms of the hand hot; palpitations nervous; palsy of the arms; piles or haemorrhoids; pleurisy and peripneumony; quinsy; rupture; scald head; sciatica; scirrhouse glands; scurvy (marine); sea sickness; shin rubbed off; small pox; sores; sprains; stomach pain from an acid; stone in the bladder; strictures; swelled legs;swelled face from a rheum upon the teeth; swelling (white); toothach; thirst; tenesmus; thrush; torpor or numbness of the limbs; vertigo; ulcer; vomica; vomiting; urine (bloody); warts; watery gripes (in infants); whites; worms; contused worms; and wounds of the tendons. There is a supplement in the rear with additional headings and continuations from elsewhere in the book: stiff joynt or ancylosis; rheumatism; breeding sickness; fundament falling down; hysterics and female spasmodics; scrophula; sprains; and wax emulsion. There are also a number of other headings throughout for which no notes were entered.



Slides of Haldane Tait labelled 'III'

Glass slides: landmarks in the provision of hospital care in Dundee 1883-1933; Dispensary, West Graham Street, Glasgow; Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow; Castehill Hospital; title page of treatise on chincough by Robert Watt; and ward in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow.



Trivax-tripe antigen, tetanus, diptheria and pertussis vaccine

5ml. In cardboard container. Manufactured by Burroughs Wellcome and Co.



Duncan, Flockhart & Co: correspondence regarding publication in the British Medical Journal...

Letter from Duncan, Flockhart & Co, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, Scotland. Letter refers unfavourably to a publication in the British Medical Journal relating to the supply and sale of vaccines against whooping cough. Reply from Laboratory Superintendent stating that the issue was brought before the committee and that vaccines may be supplied to Dr Linklater free of charge.

10 Mar 1936-20 Mar 1936