Description Of Item | The volume has a contents page at the front which gives the contents as: origin of the club; the first match; foundation of the club; first autumn meeting; the Trophy; annual business meeting 1891; Spring meeting 1891; match with Newcastle players 1891; autumn meeting 1891; annual business meeting 1892; spring meeting 1892; Secretaries' Challenge Cup 1892; match with Newcastle players 1892; autumn meeting 1892; Dr Sanderson's Death; annual business meeting 1893; spring meeting 1893; Secretaries Challenge Cup 1893; match with Bar. Includes copy of the rules and regulations which include list of office-bearers and members, 1890, 1895, 1899, 1909, 1914, 1922 and 1926; badge of the club; circular letter to fellows asking for membership and subscriptions to a trophy; photograph of the trophy; photographs of players at the match between the Royal College and Newcastle which shows Haultain, Ridley, Blaikie, Dunlop, Black, Robson, Still Thomson, J F Thomson, Howden, Wallace, A Thomson[?], W T Wilson, Carmichael, Limont, Sanderson and Duncan; presscuttings; photograph of the Challenge Cup and the conditions of the competition; photograph of the players at the Spring meeting with a key to the names; photograph of the fourth match between the Royal Colleges and Newcastle; letter fromW G Richardson, The Dispensary, Newcastle to Noel Paton thanking him for his congratulations; photographs of players at the Spring meeting 1895 and 1896 (captioned). Index to players at the rear. |