
Ref NoDEP/CUL/3/1
TitleWilliam Cullen's miscellaneous papers
Date26 Jun 1733 - 20 Aug 1782
Description Of ItemThe volume consists of a number of essays most of which are by Cullen. Later annotations indicate that some were lectures given to societies. They were bound into a volume at a later date so therefore the pages are of varying sizes and are not paginated. The titles of the essays are spelt as they are given in the volume: 'On the freezing of water', 'Of fire', 'Concretion', 'Remarks on a paper intitled Remarks on some instances of the generation of heat and cold by mixture', 'An Essay on the different species of salts in a letter to Dr J Clerk', 'Some Reflections on the Study of Chemistry and an Essay towards ascertaining the different species of salts being part of a letter to Dr John Clerk', 'Prima Via and Blood Vessles of Men', 'Copy of Dr Butt's experiments on the production of volatile alkaline salts with remarks by Dr Cullen on these experiments', 'Of the operation depending on solution', 'Fusion', 'Of exhalation', 'Of evaporation', 'Of ustulation and calcination' 'Of distillation', 'Directions for improving malt spirits', 'Mr Appleby's Process', 'Remarks on the Art of Bleaching or Whitening Linnen', 'Memorial from Ebenezer Macculloch General Surveyor of the Linen Manufactures to William Cullen Professor and Doctor of Medicine and Chemistry in Edinburgh (dated 20th August 1782)', 'Directions for making a trial of the bleaching ashes prepared by Dr Cullen' and 'Of the alkaline salts employed in Bleaching'.

Then follows some correspondence:

Letter to Cullen from James Small of Carie concerning vats, tubs, hoop iron, a hand pump and wood cutting as directed for the delivery of a boiler (dated 6th May 1762)
Letters to Cullen from David Millar of Carie concerning experiments on the composition of ashes, the manufacture of ashes, operation of the kiln, burning ferns, evaporation of alkali (dated 18th July, 28th July, 31st July, 2nd August, 10th August, 9th September 1762)
Letter to Cullen from Neil Bannatyne of Glasgow Bleachfield concerning the preparation of Cullen's lee (dated 4th August 1753)

Then follows further essays: 'Of Bleaching', two papers 'An Easy method of making the bleaching lye' and 'The method of recovering he salts from the old lye' by Francis Home (dated 22nd June 1763), 'Sheriff Lind's Thoughts on Bleaching', 'John Chrystie's Further Remarks on Bleaching', 'Letter to Cullen from John Christie concerning bleaching (dated at Ormiston 17th December 1753)', 'Notes by John Chrystie bleacher upon Doctor Cullen's essay upon bleaching', 'Accompt of expence incurred in the trials made for preparing ashes and alkaline salts by Dr William Cullen' and 'Anent Smoking Chimneys by Alexander Tait (dated 13th January 1758)'.

There then follows some corrections to First Lines by Cullen including remarks he wanted to include by Dr Grant, Dr Monro, Dr Home, Sir S T and Mr Hill.

Then follows further essays: 'Remarks on Dr Hilary's Account of the Yellow Fever', 'Construction of a Russian bath with diagram', 'Some Principall operations that were performed in the Infirmary from 18th January 1733', 'Copy of letter from Robert Brown of Aberdeen dated 3rd January 1725 concerning Mr Kelsoe's case (copy dated 1734)', 'Advice to a gentleman that after blooding at the jugular was seis'd with a losse of the sense of feeling on that side of his neck and with pains in his head (dated 1734)', 'Directions for children in the small pox by Dr A B 1704 (copy dated 26th June 1733)', 'Experiments made upon Moffat water (dated 1733)', 'Directions anent the use of Moffat water (dated 1733)', 'Memorandum cases of some patients (dated 1733)', 'Case of Kenneth Ogle (dated 10th January 1736/7), 'The state my Lord Poltoun's body was found in when open'd by Dr John Learmont and Mr John McGill (dated 8th August 1733)', [Essay on 'hysterick passione'], [Essay on the suppression of urine] and [Extraction of tincture from malt].

Not all the essays and notes are titled.
Extent1 volume
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