Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse DEP - Deposited collections of the Royal College of Physicians of EdinburghDEP - Deposited collections of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Expand ABJ - Collection of John AbercrombieABJ - Collection of John Abercrombie
Expand ACB - Collection of Christian Bernhard AlbinusACB - Collection of Christian Bernhard Albinus
Expand ACH - Collection of Charles AlstonACH - Collection of Charles Alston
Expand ADA - Collection of Adelola AdeloyeADA - Collection of Adelola Adeloye
Expand ADM - Collection of D Mouncey AtkinsonADM - Collection of D Mouncey Atkinson
Expand AEC - Collection of the Aesculapian ClubAEC - Collection of the Aesculapian Club
Expand ALB - Collection of Bernhard Siegfried AlbinusALB - Collection of Bernhard Siegfried Albinus
Expand ALC - Collection of Sir Charles AldisALC - Collection of Sir Charles Aldis
Expand ALJ - Collection of John AlexanderALJ - Collection of John Alexander
Expand ALW - Collection of William Alister AlexanderALW - Collection of William Alister Alexander
Expand ANG - Collection of Mr and Mrs N G AndersonANG - Collection of Mr and Mrs N G Anderson
Expand ANO - Collection of items and volumes of unknown provenanceANO - Collection of items and volumes of unknown provenance
Expand ANS - Collection of Scott AndersonANS - Collection of Scott Anderson
Expand ASB - Collection of Bryan AshworthASB - Collection of Bryan Ashworth
Expand AUA - Collection of Adam AustinAUA - Collection of Adam Austin
Expand AVC - Collection of the Amateur Vocal ClubAVC - Collection of the Amateur Vocal Club
Collapse AWP - Collection of William Pulteney AlisonAWP - Collection of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 1 - Lecture notes Taken by William Pulteney Alison1 - Lecture notes Taken by William Pulteney Alison
Expand 2 - Clinical notes taken by William Pulteney Alison2 - Clinical notes taken by William Pulteney Alison
Expand 3 - Student work of William Pulteney Alison3 - Student work of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 4 - Clinical lectures and notes of William Pulteney Alison4 - Clinical lectures and notes of William Pulteney Alison
Collapse 5 - Writings of William Pulteney Alison5 - Writings of William Pulteney Alison
Collapse 1 - Articles, essays and notes for lectures by William Pulteney Alison1 - Articles, essays and notes for lectures by William Pulteney Alison
1 - 'The Exciting Causes of Epidemics' by William Pulteney Alison
2 - 'Muscular Motion' by William Pulteney Alison
3 - 'Notice of Some Observations on the Vital Properties of Arteries Leading to Inflamed Parts' by William Pulteney Alison
4 - 'Notice of Some Experiments on the Vital Properties of Arteries Leading to Inflamed Parts' by William Pulteney Alison
5 - 'Observations on Some of the Cases in the Clinical Wards of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh November 1850' by William Pulteney Alison
6 - 'Observations on the Best Mode of Registering Deaths' by William Pulteney Alison
7 - 'Observations on the Different Modes in which Muscular Contractions are affected by changed in the Nervous System and on he purposes which appear to be served by the ganglia of the great lymphatic nerve' by William Pulteney Alison
8 - 'Observations on some late enquiries into the Physiology of the Nervous System particularly into its connection with Muscular Motion, secretion and animal heat' by William Pulteney Alison
9 - 'Observations on the Principles of Vital Affinity as [_?] by recent discoveries in Organic Chemistry' by William Pulteney Alison
10 - 'On Certain Physiological Inferences which may be drawn from the study of the Nerves of the Eyeball' by William Pulteney Alison
11 - 'On the Communicability of Cholera by Dejections' by William Pulteney Alison
12 - 'Reply to Dr Chalmers' Objections to an Improvement of the Legal Provision for the Poor in Scotland' by William Pulteney Alison
13 - 'Prefatory Essay to Lectures on Medical Missions' by William Pulteney Alison
14 - British Medical Journal articles by William Pulteney Alison
15 - 'On the Office of the Nervous System' by William Pulteney Alison
16 - 'Acute Tuberculosis' by William Pulteney Alison
17 - 'Additional Cases and Observations illustrating the origin of Tubercles' by William Pulteney Alison
18 - 'Animal Functions in General' by William Pulteney Alison
19 - 'Answer to D W P' by William Pulteney Alison
20 - 'As to Able-bodied Poor' by William Pulteney Alison
21 - 'Catarrh Pneumonia and Bronchitis' by William Pulteney Alison
22 - 'Causes of Violent Death' by William Pulteney Alison
23 - 'Composition and Properties of Blood' by William Pulteney Alison
24 - 'Contagious Exanthemata' by William Pulteney Alison
25 - 'Corditis' by William Pulteney Alison
26 - 'Cynanche' by William Pulteney Alison
27 - 'Effects of the Mind on the Body' by William Pulteney Alison
28 - '[Endosmon and Exosmon?]' by William Pulteney Alison
29 - 'Experiments and Observations on the Different modes in which death is produced by vegetable poisons' by William Pulteney Alison
30 - 'Facts from Dr Ferguson's Paper on marsh poisons' by William Pulteney Alison
31 - 'Facts on Vital Affinities' by William Pulteney Alison
32 - 'Fatuity and Insanity' by William Pulteney Alison
33 - 'Function of Generation' by William Pulteney Alison
34 - 'General Observations on the Involuntary Agency of Mind and Body' by William Pulteney Alison
35 - 'Haemorrhagia in General' by William Pulteney Alison
36 - 'Hepatitis and Icterus [Jaundice]' by William Pulteney Alison
37 - 'Laws of Vital Action in General' by William Pulteney Alison
38 - 'Laws of Vital Motions' by William Pulteney Alison
39 - 'Laws of Vital Motions' by William Pulteney Alison
40 - 'Medical Jurisprudence in General' by William Pulteney Alison
41 - 'Medical Police' by William Pulteney Alison
42 - 'Mr Brodie's Answer to Dr Hale' by William Pulteney Alison
43 - 'Neuroses Comata' by William Pulteney Alison
44 - 'Nosology' by William Pulteney Alison
45 - 'Notes on the Question of the Connection of Life and Organizn [Organization?]' by William Pulteney Alison
46 - 'Nutrition, Secretion and Excretion' by William Pulteney Alison
47 - 'Observations on the Physiological Principle of Sympathy chiefly in reference to the peculiar doctrines of Mr Charles Bell' by William Pulteney Alison
48 - 'Chapter IV - Of the Action of Remedies in General and the evidence of their efficacy' by William Pulteney Alison
49 - 'Of the Animal Functions in General' by William Pulteney Alison
50 - 'Notes on Report of Royal Commissioners' by William Pulteney Alison
51 - 'Of Circulation in General' by William Pulteney Alison
52 - 'Of Death by Asphyxia' by William Pulteney Alison
53 - 'Of Death from Heat, Cold, Lightening etc' by William Pulteney Alison
54 - 'Of Death by Injuries of the Chest and Abdomen' by William Pulteney Alison
55 - 'Injuries to Head' by William Pulteney Alison
56 - 'Of Death by Poison' by William Pulteney Alison
57 - 'Of Antimony, Copper and Lead' by William Pulteney Alison
58 - 'Of Arsenic' by William Pulteney Alison
59 - 'Of Vegetable Poisons' by William Pulteney Alison
60 - 'Of Corrosive Sublimate' by William Pulteney Alison
61 - 'Of Saline Poisons' by William Pulteney Alison
62 - 'Of Digestion' by William Pulteney Alison
63 - 'Of the External Senses' by William Pulteney Alison
64 - 'XVII - Of Digestion' by William Pulteney Alison
65 - 'XVIII - Of the External Senses' by William Pulteney Alison
66 - 'XII - Of the Physical and Vital Properties of Nervous Matter' by William Pulteney Alison
67 - 'XXI - Of Generation' by William Pulteney Alison
68 - 'Of Fevers' by William Pulteney Alison
69 - 'Of Homicide in General' by William Pulteney Alison
70 - 'Of Idiotism and Insanity' by William Pulteney Alison
71 - 'On Hydrocephalus' by William Pulteney Alison
72 - 'On Different Races of Mankind' by William Pulteney Alison
73 - 'Of Spasms' by William Pulteney Alison
74 - 'Outline of an Inquiry into the Pathology of Scrofulous Diseases with a view to their presentation' by William Pulteney Alison
75 - 'Ophthalmia' by William Pulteney Alison
76 - 'Of Varieties of Inflammation' by William Pulteney Alison
77 - 'Outlines of Physiology of the Nervous System' by William Pulteney Alison
78 - 'Palsy and Fever' by William Pulteney Alison
79 - 'Pathology - Disordered Action of the Heart' by William Pulteney Alison
80 - 'Pathology - Fatal Terminations and Injurious Consequences of Idiopathic Fevers' by William Pulteney Alison
81 - 'Pathology - Special Characters of Inflammation local and general' by William Pulteney Alison
82 - 'Pathology - Contagion as Cause of Continued Fever' by William Pulteney Alison
83 - 'Pathology - Inflammation in General - Rationale of the effects of inflammation and its fatal terminations' by William Pulteney Alison
84 - 'Pathology - Causes of Inflammation' by William Pulteney Alison
85 - 'Pathology - Malaria a Cause of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers' by William Pulteney Alison
86 - 'Pathology - Notes on Organic Diseases' by William Pulteney Alison
87 - 'Pathology - Laws of Contagion - Predisponent and Concurrent Causes of Fever' by William Pulteney Alison
88 - 'Pathology - Local Effects and Terminations of Inflammation' by William Pulteney Alison
89 - 'Pathology - Local Determinations and Congestions of Blood' by William Pulteney Alison
90 - 'Pathology - Remote Causes of Inflammation' by William Pulteney Alison
91 - 'Pathology - Varieties of Inflammation' by William Pulteney Alison
92 - 'Peritonitis, Gastritis and Enteritis' by William Pulteney Alison
93 - 'Phrenitis and Hydrocephalus' by William Pulteney Alison
94 - 'Phrenology' by William Pulteney Alison
95 - 'Physical Conditions in the Nervous System necessary to the Mental Phenomena and their effects' by William Pulteney Alison
96 - 'Pathology - Rationale of Fever occurring as a symptom of infection' by William Pulteney Alison
97 - 'Pathology - Rationale of Idiopathic Fever and its complications' by William Pulteney Alison
98 - 'Physical Conditions in the Nervous System necessary to the mental phenomena and their effects' by William Pulteney Alison
99 - '[Physiological?] Mats [Materials] and Phenomena peculiar to the State of Life' by William Pulteney Alison
100 - 'Physical Effects of the Mental Acts - Voluntary and Instinctive Motions' by William Pulteney Alison
101 - 'Queries Regarding Respiration' by William Pulteney Alison
102 - 'Reasons for Doubting the Doctrine of Nervous Energy in relation to Involuntary Muscles' by William Pulteney Alison
103 - 'Relations of Diseases by Remote Changes' by William Pulteney Alison
104 - Report [on the number of men in a state of destitution for want of employment] by William Pulteney Alison
105 - 'Respecting the Influence of the Brain on the Action of the Heart and on the Generation of Animal Heat' by William Pulteney Alison
106 - 'Rheumatism and Arthritis' by William Pulteney Alison
107 - 'Splenitis, Nephritis and Nephralgia' by William Pulteney Alison
108 - 'Structure and Actions of the Heart' by William Pulteney Alison
109 - 'Structure and Functions of Absorbents' by William Pulteney Alison
110 - 'Structure and Functions of Absorbents' by William Pulteney Alison
111 - 'Structure and Functions of Arteries' by William Pulteney Alison
112 - 'Structure and Functions of Arteries' by William Pulteney Alison
113 - 'Structure and Functions of the Veins - Conclusion of the Circulation' by William Pulteney Alison
114 - 'Structure and Functions of the Veins - Conclusion of the Circulation' by William Pulteney Alison
115 - 'Subjects for Inquiry' by William Pulteney Alison
116 - 'Therapeutics - Application of Statistics to Practice of Medicine' by William Pulteney Alison
117 - 'Therapeutics - Remedies acting on the Circulation - Blood Letting' by William Pulteney Alison
118 - 'Heads of Physiology and Heads of Pathology' by William Pulteney Alison
119 - [Heads of Lectures on Physiology] by William Pulteney Alison
120 - 'Heads of Lectures on Pathology' by William Pulteney Alison
121 - 'Heads of Lectures on Hysteria' by William Pulteney Alison
122 - 'Introductory Lecture on Therapeutics' by William Pulteney Alison
123 - [Introductory Lecture] by William Pulteney Alison
124 - 'Lecture I - Of Chronic or Non-Febrile Diseases' by William Pulteney Alison
125 - 'Of Circulation' by William Pulteney Alison
126 - 'For British Association' by William Pulteney Alison
127 - Untitled essay on muscular contraction, movement and the nervous system by William Pulteney Alison
128 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
129 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
130 - Untitled essay on muscles and the nervous system by William Pulteney Alison
131 - Untitled essay on muscles and the nervous system by William Pulteney Alison
132 - Untitled essay on states of mind by William Pulteney Alison
133 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
134 - Untitled essays on digestion, absorption, secretion and the lymphatic system by William Pulteney Alison
135 - Untitled essays by William Pulteney Alison
136 - Untitled essay on animal economy by William Pulteney Alison
137 - Untitled essay on the action of the heart by William Pulteney Alison
138 - Untitled essay on astronomy by William Pulteney Alison
139 - Untitled essay on America by William Pulteney Alison
140 - Untitled essays on blood by William Pulteney Alison
141 - Untitled essays on blood and circulation by William Pulteney Alison
142 - Untitled essay on blood coagulation by William Pulteney Alison
143 - Untitled essay on blood and circulation by William Pulteney Alison
144 - Untitled essay on blood by William Pulteney Alison
145 - Notes on bones by William Pulteney Alison
146 - Untitled essay on the structure of bones by William Pulteney Alison
147 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
148 - Untitled essay on bronchitis and asthma by William Pulteney Alison
149 - Untitled essay on cartilage and fat by William Pulteney Alison
150 - Untitled essay on schirrhus [cancerous growth] by William Pulteney Alison
151 - Untitled notes on blood and circulation by William Pulteney Alison
152 - Untitled essay on respiration by William Pulteney Alison
153 - Untitled essay on circulation by William Pulteney Alison
154 - Untitled essay on comparative anatomy by William Pulteney Alison
155 - Untitled notes on Ireland by William Pulteney Alison
156 - Untitled essay on croup by William Pulteney Alison
157 - Untitled essay on diathesis by William Pulteney Alison
158 - Untitled essay on secretions by William Pulteney Alison
159 - Untitled essays on the digestive system by William Pulteney Alison
160 - Untitled essay on epilepsy, apoplexy and palsy by William Pulteney Alison
161 - Untitled essay on factors affecting disease by William Pulteney Alison
162 - Untitled essay on fever and contagion by William Pulteney Alison
163 - Untitled essays on fever and inflammation by William Pulteney Alison
164 - Untitled essay on gout by William Pulteney Alison
165 - Untitled essay on inflammation and the effects of cold by William Pulteney Alison
166 - Untitled essay on inflammation by William Pulteney Alison
167 - Untitled essay on obstetrics and gynaecology by William Pulteney Alison
168 - Notice on the funeral of Dr James Gregory by William Pulteney Alison
169 - Untitled essay on varieties of inflammation by William Pulteney Alison
170 - Untitled essay on inflammation and fatal termination by William Pulteney Alison
171 - Untitled essay on coaguable lymph by William Pulteney Alison
172 - Untitled essay on the larynx by William Pulteney Alison
173 - Notes on medical jurisprudence by William Pulteney Alison
174 - Untitled essay on membranes by William Pulteney Alison
175 - Untitled essays on the mental faculties by William Pulteney Alison
176 - Lecture notes on the mental faculties by William Pulteney Alison
177 - Lecture notes on mental phenomena by William Pulteney Alison
178 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
179 - Untitled essay on muscles by William Pulteney Alison
180 - Untitled essays on the nervous system by William Pulteney Alison
181 - Untitled essay on the structure of the nervous system by William Pulteney Alison
182 - Untitled essays on the nervous system by William Pulteney Alison
183 - Untitled essay on nosology by William Pulteney Alison
184 - Untitled essay on heredity and paediatrics by William Pulteney Alison
185 - Untitled essay on palsy and rheumatism by William Pulteney Alison
186 - Untitled essay on medical jurisprudence and pathology by William Pulteney Alison
187 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
188 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
189 - Untitled essay on piles and menstruation by William Pulteney Alison
190 - Untitled essay on pneumonia by William Pulteney Alison
191 - Untitled essays on poisons by William Pulteney Alison
192 - Untitled essay on the destitute poor by William Pulteney Alison
193 - Untitled essay on post mortem procedures by William Pulteney Alison
194 - Untitled essays on respiration by William Pulteney Alison
195 - Untitled essay on hearing and sound by William Pulteney Alison
196 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
197 - Untitled essay on the classification of disease by William Pulteney Alison
198 - Untitled essay on syncope by William Pulteney Alison
199 - Untitled essay on syphilis by William Pulteney Alison
200 - Essays on therapeutics by William Pulteney Alison
201 - Untitled essays on the practice of medicine by William Pulteney Alison
202 - Untitled essay on tuberculosis and phthisis by William Pulteney Alison
203 - Untitled essays on tuberculosis, phthisis and scrophula [scrofula] by William Pulteney Alison
204 - Untitled essays on gangrene and ulceration by William Pulteney Alison
205 - Untitled essays on urine, the urinary system and nephritis by William Pulteney Alison
206 - Untitled essay on the distinction between organic and inorganic substances and the science of physiology by William Pulteney Alison
207 - Untitled essay on physiology by William Pulteney Alison
208 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
209 - Address on the foundation of the Chair of Medical Jurisprudence by William Pulteney Alison
210 - Introductory lectures by William Pulteney Alison
211 - Conduct of a Russian General at the Battle of Fère-Champenoise by William Pulteney Alison
212 - Notes taken from works of other writers by William Pulteney Alison
213 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
214 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
215 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
216 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
217 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
218 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
219 - Untitled essay by William Pulteney Alison
220 - Notes on examination questions by William Pulteney Alison
221 - Notes on experiments by William Pulteney Alison
222 - Notes for lectures by William Pulteney Alison
223 - Notes for lectures by William Pulteney Alison
224 - Unidentified writings by William Pulteney Alison
Expand 2 - Cased papers of William Pulteney Alison2 - Cased papers of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 3 - Essays of William Pulteney Alison with later copies3 - Essays of William Pulteney Alison with later copies
Expand 4 - Books by William Pulteney Alison4 - Books by William Pulteney Alison
Expand 5 - Journals of William Pulteney Alison5 - Journals of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 6 - Prescriptions of William Pulteney Alison6 - Prescriptions of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 7 - Extracts from the works of others collected by William Pulteney Alison7 - Extracts from the works of others collected by William Pulteney Alison
Expand 6 - Correspondence of William Pulteney Alison6 - Correspondence of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 7 - Cholera papers of William Pulteney Alison7 - Cholera papers of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 8 - Papers on medical education of William Pulteney Alison8 - Papers on medical education of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 9 - Records of the New Town Dispensary collected by William Pulteney Alison9 - Records of the New Town Dispensary collected by William Pulteney Alison
Expand 10 - Financial papers of William Pulteney Alison10 - Financial papers of William Pulteney Alison
Expand 11 - Publications by others collected by William Pulteney Alison11 - Publications by others collected by William Pulteney Alison
12 - William Pulteney Alison collection label
Expand BAA - Collection of Sir Andrew BalfourBAA - Collection of Sir Andrew Balfour
Expand BAD - Collection of Sir David BarryBAD - Collection of Sir David Barry
Expand BAH - Collection of H R BarrettBAH - Collection of H R Barrett
Expand BAM - Collection of Mike BarfootBAM - Collection of Mike Barfoot
Expand BAN - Collection of Alexander Ninian BruceBAN - Collection of Alexander Ninian Bruce
Expand BAP - Collection of P C BairdBAP - Collection of P C Baird
Expand BAW - Collection of William BayliesBAW - Collection of William Baylies
Expand BAY - Collection of Alexander BayneBAY - Collection of Alexander Bayne
Expand BEC - Collection of Edward Charles BarnesBEC - Collection of Edward Charles Barnes
Expand BEG - Collection of George Thomas BeatsonBEG - Collection of George Thomas Beatson
Expand BEJ - Collection of John Warburton BegbieBEJ - Collection of John Warburton Begbie
Expand BES - Collection of Samuel BeattieBES - Collection of Samuel Beattie
Expand BEW - Collection of James Wharburton BegbieBEW - Collection of James Wharburton Begbie
Expand BGS - Collection of British Geriatrics Society (Scotland)BGS - Collection of British Geriatrics Society (Scotland)
Expand BGW - Collection of George William BalfourBGW - Collection of George William Balfour
Expand BHH - Collection of Henry Hyndman BalfourBHH - Collection of Henry Hyndman Balfour
Expand BIN - Collection of Nicholas BindonBIN - Collection of Nicholas Bindon
Expand BJG - Collection of John Graham MacDonald BurtBJG - Collection of John Graham MacDonald Burt
Expand BJW - Collection of John William BallantyneBJW - Collection of John William Ballantyne
Expand BLE - Collection of Henry BlegboroughBLE - Collection of Henry Blegborough
Expand BLH - Collection of the British Lying-In HospitalBLH - Collection of the British Lying-In Hospital
Expand BLJ - Collection of Joseph Black BLJ - Collection of Joseph Black
Expand BOH - Collection of Herman BoerhaaveBOH - Collection of Herman Boerhaave
Expand BOI - Collection of Ian A D BouchierBOI - Collection of Ian A D Bouchier
Expand BOS - Collection of the Boswell familyBOS - Collection of the Boswell family
Expand BOW - Collection of Thomas BowerBOW - Collection of Thomas Bower
Expand BOY - Collection of David BoydBOY - Collection of David Boyd
Expand BRA - Collection of Professor Alexander BrownBRA - Collection of Professor Alexander Brown
Expand BRC - Collection of Sir James [Crichlon] BrowneBRC - Collection of Sir James [Crichlon] Browne
Expand BRE - Collection of Edwin BramwellBRE - Collection of Edwin Bramwell
Expand BRI - Collection of [William Bryce]BRI - Collection of [William Bryce]
Expand BRJ - Collection of John Brown BRJ - Collection of John Brown
Expand BRL - Collection of Alan D H BrowneBRL - Collection of Alan D H Browne
Expand BRO - Collection of John BrownBRO - Collection of John Brown
Expand BRR - Collection of Robert BrownBRR - Collection of Robert Brown
Expand BRT - Collection of Thomas BrownBRT - Collection of Thomas Brown
Expand BRY - Collection of Joseph BryantBRY - Collection of Joseph Bryant
Expand BUI - Collection of Ivory BuchanBUI - Collection of Ivory Buchan
Expand BUJ - Collection of James BuchanBUJ - Collection of James Buchan
Expand BUR - Collection of E BurgessBUR - Collection of E Burgess
Expand BUW - Collection of William BuchanBUW - Collection of William Buchan
Expand BWA - Collection of William Alexander Francis BrowneBWA - Collection of William Alexander Francis Browne
Expand BWT - Collection of William Turnbull BrodyBWT - Collection of William Turnbull Brody
Expand CAA - Collection of Sir Anthony CarlisleCAA - Collection of Sir Anthony Carlisle
Expand CAG - Collection of Grace and Ina CadellCAG - Collection of Grace and Ina Cadell
Expand CAI - Collection of Ian D CampbellCAI - Collection of Ian D Campbell
Expand CAJ - Collection of Sir James D S CameronCAJ - Collection of Sir James D S Cameron
Expand CAM - Collection of Margaret CampbellCAM - Collection of Margaret Campbell
Expand CAP - Collection of Petrus CamperCAP - Collection of Petrus Camper
Expand CAS - Collection of John CashCAS - Collection of John Cash
Expand CAT - Collection of D B CaterCAT - Collection of D B Cater
Expand CHI - Collection of Iain ChalmersCHI - Collection of Iain Chalmers
Expand CHM - Collection of Marjorie ChapmanCHM - Collection of Marjorie Chapman
Expand CHR - Collection of Sir Robert ChristisonCHR - Collection of Sir Robert Christison
Expand CJA - Collection of James CraigCJA - Collection of James Craig
Expand CJN - Collection of Sir John CroftonCJN - Collection of Sir John Crofton
Expand CJO - Collection of Joseph CamplinCJO - Collection of Joseph Camplin
Expand CLB - Collection of Barbara ClaytonCLB - Collection of Barbara Clayton
Expand CLD - Collection of David ClerkCLD - Collection of David Clerk
Expand CLJ - Collection of John ClarkCLJ - Collection of John Clark
Expand CLR - Collection of Rex ClarkCLR - Collection of Rex Clark
Expand CMS - Collection of the College of Medicine of South Africa CMS - Collection of the College of Medicine of South Africa
Expand CNM - Collection of Maurice A Caldwell-NicholsCNM - Collection of Maurice A Caldwell-Nichols
Expand COA - Collection of Sir Astley Paston CooperCOA - Collection of Sir Astley Paston Cooper
Expand COC - Collection of David Midgley CockcroftCOC - Collection of David Midgley Cockcroft
Expand COJ - Collection of John Dixon ComrieCOJ - Collection of John Dixon Comrie
Expand COP - Collection of Jane CoplandCOP - Collection of Jane Copland
Expand CRA - Collection of A [Andrew?] CraigieCRA - Collection of A [Andrew?] Craigie
Expand CRB - Collection of Richard Browne ChestonCRB - Collection of Richard Browne Cheston
Expand CRD - Collection of David CraigieCRD - Collection of David Craigie
Expand CRI - Collection of M Ian CrichtonCRI - Collection of M Ian Crichton
Expand CRJ - Collection of James Craig, ArchitectCRJ - Collection of James Craig, Architect
Expand CRO - Collection of Lady Eileen CroftonCRO - Collection of Lady Eileen Crofton
Expand CRW - Collection of William Stuart CraigCRW - Collection of William Stuart Craig
Expand CUC - Collection of Colin CurrieCUC - Collection of Colin Currie
Expand CUH - Collection of Harvey CushingCUH - Collection of Harvey Cushing
Expand CUL - Collection of William CullenCUL - Collection of William Cullen
Expand CWI - Collection of William CrosbieCWI - Collection of William Crosbie
Expand DAJ - Collection of James Walker DawsonDAJ - Collection of James Walker Dawson
Expand DAT - Collection of Thomas DavisonDAT - Collection of Thomas Davison
Expand DAV - Collection of John DavidsonDAV - Collection of John Davidson
Expand DEJ - Collection of John DethickDEJ - Collection of John Dethick
Expand DET - Collection of Thomas DewarDET - Collection of Thomas Dewar
Expand DIC - Collection of J DicksonDIC - Collection of J Dickson
Expand DJA - Collection of Sir James DickDJA - Collection of Sir James Dick
Expand DLS - Collection of Sir Leybourne Stanley Patrick DavidsonDLS - Collection of Sir Leybourne Stanley Patrick Davidson
Expand DOA - Collection of Alexander Mackenzie DownieDOA - Collection of Alexander Mackenzie Downie
Expand DOJ - Collection of Jessie DobsonDOJ - Collection of Jessie Dobson
Expand DRC - Collection of Charles DrummondDRC - Collection of Charles Drummond
Expand DRJ - Collection of James DrummondDRJ - Collection of James Drummond
Expand DRU - Collection of John DrummondDRU - Collection of John Drummond
Expand DUA - Collection of Andrew Duncan the elderDUA - Collection of Andrew Duncan the elder
Expand DUM - Collection of Margaret Elizabeth DuncanDUM - Collection of Margaret Elizabeth Duncan
Expand DUN - Collection of Andrew Duncan the youngerDUN - Collection of Andrew Duncan the younger
Expand EAM - Collection of Martin EastwoodEAM - Collection of Martin Eastwood
Expand EDT - Collection of Thomas Robert EdmundsonEDT - Collection of Thomas Robert Edmundson
Expand EGL - Collection of Edinburgh General Lying-In HospitalEGL - Collection of Edinburgh General Lying-In Hospital
Expand EGM - Collection of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Medical Club EGM - Collection of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Medical Club
Expand EMA - Collection of Empire Medical Advisory BureauEMA - Collection of Empire Medical Advisory Bureau
Expand EOS - Collection of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society EOS - Collection of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society
Expand EPC - Collection of the Edinburgh Pathological ClubEPC - Collection of the Edinburgh Pathological Club
Expand ERG - Collection of Sir George ErskineERG - Collection of Sir George Erskine
Expand FAN - Collection of Alfred FellFAN - Collection of Alfred Fell
Expand FAU - Collection of Abbé FauvelFAU - Collection of Abbé Fauvel
Expand FAW - Collection of William FalconerFAW - Collection of William Falconer
Expand FEL - Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh's Senior Fellows' ClubFEL - Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh's Senior Fellows' Club
Expand FEW - Collection of William FergusonFEW - Collection of William Ferguson
Expand FHM - Collection of Henry Mann FothergillFHM - Collection of Henry Mann Fothergill
Expand FIG - Collection of George FisherFIG - Collection of George Fisher
Expand FLW - Collection of William FletcherFLW - Collection of William Fletcher
Expand FOJ - Collection of John FoulisFOJ - Collection of John Foulis
Expand FOO - Collection of Joseph FoxFOO - Collection of Joseph Fox
Expand FOU - Collection of James FoulisFOU - Collection of James Foulis
Expand FOX - Collection of William Henry FoxFOX - Collection of William Henry Fox
Expand FRJ - Collection of John FraserFRJ - Collection of John Fraser
Expand FRM - Collection of M FrancisFRM - Collection of M Francis
Expand FRT - Collection of Sir Thomas Richard FraserFRT - Collection of Sir Thomas Richard Fraser
Expand GAD - Collection of Daniel Carleton GajdusekGAD - Collection of Daniel Carleton Gajdusek
Expand GID - Collection of David GibbGID - Collection of David Gibb
Expand GIG - Collection of George Alexander GibsonGIG - Collection of George Alexander Gibson
Expand GIJ - Collection of James GiffordGIJ - Collection of James Gifford
Expand GIL - Collection of John GilliesGIL - Collection of John Gillies
Expand GIR - Collection of Rae GilchristGIR - Collection of Rae Gilchrist
Expand GJA - Collection of James GrahamGJA - Collection of James Graham
Expand GJO - Collection of John GregoryGJO - Collection of John Gregory
Expand GLR - Collection of Robert GlasgowGLR - Collection of Robert Glasgow
Expand GMC - Collection of the Scottish Branch of the General Medical CouncilGMC - Collection of the Scottish Branch of the General Medical Council
Expand GOA - Collection of Alexander GordonGOA - Collection of Alexander Gordon
Expand GOC - Collection of Charles H GordonGOC - Collection of Charles H Gordon
Expand GOJ - Collection of the Goodsir familyGOJ - Collection of the Goodsir family
Expand GOO - Collection of Alexander GoodallGOO - Collection of Alexander Goodall
Expand GOR - Collection of John GordonGOR - Collection of John Gordon
Expand GRA - Collection of Lady Jane GrantGRA - Collection of Lady Jane Grant
Expand GRC - Collection of the Granton ClubGRC - Collection of the Granton Club
Expand GRE - Collection of James GregoryGRE - Collection of James Gregory
Expand GRJ - Collection of James GraingerGRJ - Collection of James Grainger
Expand GRM - Collection of Mirko GrmekGRM - Collection of Mirko Grmek
Expand GRO - Collection of Ronald GirdwoodGRO - Collection of Ronald Girdwood
Expand GRW - Collection of Robert John Grove-WhiteGRW - Collection of Robert John Grove-White
Expand GUT - Collection of Douglas GuthrieGUT - Collection of Douglas Guthrie
Expand HAA - Collection of William Aurelius HarlandHAA - Collection of William Aurelius Harland
Expand HAD - Collection of David Berry HartHAD - Collection of David Berry Hart
Expand HAH - Collection of Hotchkin HaynesHAH - Collection of Hotchkin Haynes
Expand HAJ - Collection of James Hamilton the elderHAJ - Collection of James Hamilton the elder
Expand HAL - Collection of Alexander Le Sassier HamiltonHAL - Collection of Alexander Le Sassier Hamilton
Expand HAM - Collection of Alexander HamiltonHAM - Collection of Alexander Hamilton
Expand HAN - Collection of [Miss Handpride]HAN - Collection of [Miss Handpride]
Expand HAR - Collection of the Harveian SocietyHAR - Collection of the Harveian Society
Expand HDK - Collection of Sir David Kennedy HendersonHDK - Collection of Sir David Kennedy Henderson
Expand HDY - Collection of R HardyHDY - Collection of R Hardy
Expand HEA - Collection of Andrew Fergus HewatHEA - Collection of Andrew Fergus Hewat
Expand HEG - Collection of George HerrickHEG - Collection of George Herrick
Expand HEH - Collection of Patrick HehirHEH - Collection of Patrick Hehir
Expand HEJ - Collection of John HenrysonHEJ - Collection of John Henryson
Expand HEP - Collection of Mr HepburnHEP - Collection of Mr Hepburn
Expand HER - Collection of Richard HeathHER - Collection of Richard Heath
Expand HEW - Collection of William HendersonHEW - Collection of William Henderson
Expand HHN - Collection of Sir John HayHHN - Collection of Sir John Hay
Expand HJA - Collection of James Hamilton the youngerHJA - Collection of James Hamilton the younger
Expand HJB - Collection of J B HewittHJB - Collection of J B Hewitt
Expand HJN - Collection of John HallHJN - Collection of John Hall
Expand HJO - Collection of John HopeHJO - Collection of John Hope
Expand HOF - Collection of Francis HomeHOF - Collection of Francis Home
Expand HOJ - Collection of James HomeHOJ - Collection of James Home
Expand HOM - Collection of John HomeHOM - Collection of John Home
Expand HON - Collection of J HutchinsonHON - Collection of J Hutchinson
Expand HOR - Collection of R H HoonHOR - Collection of R H Hoon
Expand HOT - Collection of Thomas HopeHOT - Collection of Thomas Hope
Expand HOU - Collection of Thomas HouissineHOU - Collection of Thomas Houissine
Expand HTW - Collection of William HamiltonHTW - Collection of William Hamilton
Expand HUD - Collection of Sir David Hume, Lord CrossrigHUD - Collection of Sir David Hume, Lord Crossrig
Expand HUJ - Collection of James HumeHUJ - Collection of James Hume
Expand HUN - Collection of John HunterHUN - Collection of John Hunter
Expand HUS - Collection of S HuntHUS - Collection of S Hunt
Expand HUT - Collection of Thomas Humphreys HughesHUT - Collection of Thomas Humphreys Hughes
Expand HUW - Collection of William HunterHUW - Collection of William Hunter
Expand INE - Collection of Elsie InglisINE - Collection of Elsie Inglis
Expand ING - Collection of Captain InglisING - Collection of Captain Inglis
Expand IRW - Collection of William IrelandIRW - Collection of William Ireland
Expand JAS - Collection of Solomon JacobsonJAS - Collection of Solomon Jacobson
Expand JAW - Collection of William Allan JamiesonJAW - Collection of William Allan Jamieson
Expand JOC - Collection of the Journal ClubJOC - Collection of the Journal Club
Expand JOJ - Collection of Joseph Mark JosephJOJ - Collection of Joseph Mark Joseph
Expand JOR - Collection of R W JohnstoneJOR - Collection of R W Johnstone
Expand KAG - Collection of George Stephen KambourianKAG - Collection of George Stephen Kambourian
Expand KEA - Collection of Andrew KeltieKEA - Collection of Andrew Keltie
Expand KED - Collection of Douglas KerrKED - Collection of Douglas Kerr
Expand KEJ - Collection of James KeirKEJ - Collection of James Keir
Expand KEN - Collection of Sir William KennedyKEN - Collection of Sir William Kennedy
Expand KER - Collection of Robert KennedyKER - Collection of Robert Kennedy
Expand KEW - Collection of William KeirKEW - Collection of William Keir
Expand KIH - Collection of Henry KirkmanKIH - Collection of Henry Kirkman
Expand KIN - Collection of David KindleyKIN - Collection of David Kindley
Expand KWS - Collection of Samuel Kinnier WilsonKWS - Collection of Samuel Kinnier Wilson
Expand LAC - Collection of Colin LauderLAC - Collection of Colin Lauder
Expand LAJ - Collection of Alexander Jardine LizarsLAJ - Collection of Alexander Jardine Lizars
Expand LAL - Collection of William Lindsay LambLAL - Collection of William Lindsay Lamb
Expand LAT - Collection of Thomas LaycockLAT - Collection of Thomas Laycock
Expand LAU - Collection of A R LaurenceLAU - Collection of A R Laurence
Expand LCJ - Collection of Charles LewisLCJ - Collection of Charles Lewis
Expand LEG - Collection of Gerald LeightonLEG - Collection of Gerald Leighton
Expand LIB - Collection of B LindsayLIB - Collection of B Lindsay
Expand LID - Collection of D LithgowLID - Collection of D Lithgow
Expand LIZ - Collection of John LizarsLIZ - Collection of John Lizars
Expand LOJ - Collection of John Morris LoughranLOJ - Collection of John Morris Loughran
Expand LOM - Collection of Miss [Mary] LockhartLOM - Collection of Miss [Mary] Lockhart
Expand LOW - Collection of William LomanLOW - Collection of William Loman
Expand LUC - Collection of Max [G L] LucasLUC - Collection of Max [G L] Lucas
Expand LUM - Collection of Maurice L LucasLUM - Collection of Maurice L Lucas
Expand LYD - Collection of David Murray LyonLYD - Collection of David Murray Lyon
Expand LYR - Collection of Richard LydekkerLYR - Collection of Richard Lydekker
Expand MAB - Collection of Alexander Blackhall-MorisonMAB - Collection of Alexander Blackhall-Morison
Expand MAH - Collection of Henry MatthewMAH - Collection of Henry Matthew
Expand MAK - Collection of Dr K MahadevaMAK - Collection of Dr K Mahadeva
Expand MAL - Collection of Alexander Monro, tertiusMAL - Collection of Alexander Monro, tertius
Expand MAM - Collection of Miss M MacLeanMAM - Collection of Miss M MacLean
Expand MAN - Collection of Mr MansonMAN - Collection of Mr Manson
Expand MAO - Collection of Osborne MavorMAO - Collection of Osborne Mavor
Expand MAW - Collection of Dr W MacleodMAW - Collection of Dr W Macleod
Expand MCC - Collection of Professor Ian McCallumMCC - Collection of Professor Ian McCallum
Expand MCF - Collection of John McFarlaneMCF - Collection of John McFarlane
Expand MCJ - Collection of John MacFarlanMCJ - Collection of John MacFarlan
Expand MCL - Collection of Robert McLeanMCL - Collection of Robert McLean
Expand MEA - Collection of Arnold MeiklejohnMEA - Collection of Arnold Meiklejohn
Expand MEC - Collection of Medico-Chirurgical ClubMEC - Collection of Medico-Chirurgical Club
Expand MES - Collection of Samuel MerrimanMES - Collection of Samuel Merriman
Expand MIA - Collection of A MitchellMIA - Collection of A Mitchell
Expand MJE - Collection of Jean MacLennanMJE - Collection of Jean MacLennan
Expand MJF - Collection of John MunroMJF - Collection of John Munro
Expand MJJ - Collection of John J R MacleodMJJ - Collection of John J R Macleod
Expand MMV - Collection of Malcolm MerrickMMV - Collection of Malcolm Merrick
Expand MOA - Collection of Alexander Monro, primusMOA - Collection of Alexander Monro, primus
Expand MOD - Collection of David MacBeth MoirMOD - Collection of David MacBeth Moir
Expand MOF - Collection of Francis MorisonMOF - Collection of Francis Morison
Expand MOI - Collection of John Innes MoirMOI - Collection of John Innes Moir
Expand MOJ - Collection of Major John Barre de Winton MolonyMOJ - Collection of Major John Barre de Winton Molony
Expand MON - Collection of Alexander Monro, secundusMON - Collection of Alexander Monro, secundus
Expand MOO - Collection of D MooreMOO - Collection of D Moore
Expand MOR - Collection of Sir Alexander MorisonMOR - Collection of Sir Alexander Morison
Expand MPI - Collection of the Medical Provident Institution of ScotlandMPI - Collection of the Medical Provident Institution of Scotland
Expand MRT - Collection of Robert MoirMRT - Collection of Robert Moir
Expand MSE - Collection of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of EdinburghMSE - Collection of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh
Expand MUL - Collection of James MulliganMUL - Collection of James Mulligan
Expand MUM - Collection of Mr MunroMUM - Collection of Mr Munro
Expand MUR - Collection of James MurrayMUR - Collection of James Murray
Expand MWA - Collection of William McEneryMWA - Collection of William McEnery
Expand NAS - Collection of D. Satya NandNAS - Collection of D. Satya Nand
Expand NBA - Collection of the Newcastle Borough Lunatic AsylumNBA - Collection of the Newcastle Borough Lunatic Asylum
Expand NEK - Collection of Keith O NewmanNEK - Collection of Keith O Newman
Expand NEW - Collection of Mr NewsomeNEW - Collection of Mr Newsome
Expand NIF - Collection of Francis NichollsNIF - Collection of Francis Nicholls
Expand OCC - Collection of the Octogenarian ClubOCC - Collection of the Octogenarian Club
Expand OSH - Collection of Hermann Oosterdijk-SchachtOSH - Collection of Hermann Oosterdijk-Schacht
Expand OSJ - Collection of James Townsend OswaldOSJ - Collection of James Townsend Oswald
Expand OWW - Collection of William OwenOWW - Collection of William Owen
Expand PAJ - Collection of Jacob PattissonPAJ - Collection of Jacob Pattisson
Expand PAR - Collection of Ronald PaleyPAR - Collection of Ronald Paley
Expand PAS - Collection of Reginald PassmorePAS - Collection of Reginald Passmore
Expand PAT - Collection of Joy PatersonPAT - Collection of Joy Paterson
Expand PEA - Collection of Alexander PeddiePEA - Collection of Alexander Peddie
Expand PEJ - Collection of John PearsonPEJ - Collection of John Pearson
Expand PHR - Collection of Sir Robert PhilipPHR - Collection of Sir Robert Philip
Expand PIA - Collection of Archibald PitcairnePIA - Collection of Archibald Pitcairne
Expand PIL - Collection of the Medical PilgrimsPIL - Collection of the Medical Pilgrims
Expand PJO - Collection of John ParkinsonPJO - Collection of John Parkinson
Expand PLA - Collection of Andrew PlummerPLA - Collection of Andrew Plummer
Expand PLJ - Collection of John PlayfairPLJ - Collection of John Playfair
Expand PON - Collection of William PondPON - Collection of William Pond
Expand POR - Collection of Richard PoolePOR - Collection of Richard Poole
Expand POW - Collection of William PorterfieldPOW - Collection of William Porterfield
Expand PRA - Collection of Andrew PringlePRA - Collection of Andrew Pringle
Expand PRJ - Collection of Sir John PringlePRJ - Collection of Sir John Pringle
Expand PUR - Collection of Robert PurdiePUR - Collection of Robert Purdie
Expand PYW - Collection of William Pym PYW - Collection of William Pym
Expand RAD - Collection of David RamsayRAD - Collection of David Ramsay
Expand RCG - Collection of the Royal Colleges Golf ClubRCG - Collection of the Royal Colleges Golf Club
Expand RCI - Collection of the Royal College of Physicians of IrelandRCI - Collection of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Expand RED - Collection of the British Red Cross SocietyRED - Collection of the British Red Cross Society
Expand REE - Collection of F Esmond ReynoldsREE - Collection of F Esmond Reynolds
Expand REG - Collection of the Registres des AutopsiesREG - Collection of the Registres des Autopsies
Expand RIB - Collection of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Bio-Chemical LaboratoryRIB - Collection of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Bio-Chemical Laboratory
Expand RIE - Collection of Royal Infirmary of EdinburghRIE - Collection of Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Expand RIJ - Collection of John RitchieRIJ - Collection of John Ritchie
Expand RIS - Collection of Bruce RitsonRIS - Collection of Bruce Ritson
Expand RIT - Collection of W [William] T RitchieRIT - Collection of W [William] T Ritchie
Expand RJO - Collection of John RutherfordRJO - Collection of John Rutherford
Expand RMS - Collection of the Royal Medical Society RMS - Collection of the Royal Medical Society
Expand ROA - Collection of Alexander RobertsonROA - Collection of Alexander Robertson
Expand ROI - Collection of Ian RossROI - Collection of Ian Ross
Expand ROY - Collection of the Royal Maternity HospitalROY - Collection of the Royal Maternity Hospital
Expand RUB - Collection of Sybil RussellRUB - Collection of Sybil Russell
Expand RUD - Collection of Daniel RutherfordRUD - Collection of Daniel Rutherford
Expand RUH - Collection of Helen RussellRUH - Collection of Helen Russell
Expand RUJ - Collection of James RussellRUJ - Collection of James Russell
Expand RUL - Collection of William RussellRUL - Collection of William Russell
Expand RUP - Collection of Anton RuprechtRUP - Collection of Anton Ruprecht
Expand RUS - Collection of Patrick RussellRUS - Collection of Patrick Russell
Expand RUW - Collection of William RutherfordRUW - Collection of William Rutherford
Expand SAJ - Collection of James SandersSAJ - Collection of James Sanders
Expand SAN - Collection of Antonio ScarpaSAN - Collection of Antonio Scarpa
Expand SAP - Collection of the Scottish Asylums Pathological SchemeSAP - Collection of the Scottish Asylums Pathological Scheme
Expand SAR - Collection of Sir Archibald StevensonSAR - Collection of Sir Archibald Stevenson
Expand SAV - Collection of Dr SavageSAV - Collection of Dr Savage
Expand SAY - Collection of Mary SayerSAY - Collection of Mary Sayer
Expand SCA - Collection of Alexander SchosnSCA - Collection of Alexander Schosn
Expand SCJ - Collection of Johann SchlimmerSCJ - Collection of Johann Schlimmer
Expand SCO - Collection of Alexander ScottSCO - Collection of Alexander Scott
Expand SCP - Collection of the Society of Collegiate PhysiciansSCP - Collection of the Society of Collegiate Physicians
Expand SHA - Collection of SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems)SHA - Collection of SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems)
Expand SHB - Collection of Khagendra ShresthaSHB - Collection of Khagendra Shrestha
Expand SHR - Collection of Robert ShielsSHR - Collection of Robert Shiels
Expand SIA - Collection of Alexander Russell SimpsonSIA - Collection of Alexander Russell Simpson
Expand SIH - Collection of Sir Henry SindersonSIH - Collection of Sir Henry Sinderson
Expand SIW - Collection of Wilfred (Bill) SircusSIW - Collection of Wilfred (Bill) Sircus
Expand SJO - Collection of John SimpsonSJO - Collection of John Simpson
Expand SJY - Collection of Sir James Young SimpsonSJY - Collection of Sir James Young Simpson
Expand SKD - Collection of David SkaeSKD - Collection of David Skae
Expand SKJ - Collection of James SkinnerSKJ - Collection of James Skinner
Expand SMC - Collection of Scottish Medical Service Emergency Committee SMC - Collection of Scottish Medical Service Emergency Committee
Expand SME - Collection of Dr M E SchonellSME - Collection of Dr M E Schonell
Expand SMS - Collection of Sir Sydney A SmithSMS - Collection of Sir Sydney A Smith
Expand SMT - Collection of Thomas SmithSMT - Collection of Thomas Smith
Expand SMW - Collection of William SmellieSMW - Collection of William Smellie
Expand SOC - Collection of the Society for Improving the Conditions of the InsaneSOC - Collection of the Society for Improving the Conditions of the Insane
Expand SPE - Collection of Thomas SpensSPE - Collection of Thomas Spens
Expand SRA - Collection of Ralph StockmanSRA - Collection of Ralph Stockman
Expand SRK - Collection of Krishnamoorthy SrinivasSRK - Collection of Krishnamoorthy Srinivas
Expand SRR - Collection of Robert R SimpsonSRR - Collection of Robert R Simpson
Expand SRS - Collection of the Scottish Radiological SocietySRS - Collection of the Scottish Radiological Society
Expand STA - Collection of Andrew St ClairSTA - Collection of Andrew St Clair
Expand STC - Collection of Charles StuartSTC - Collection of Charles Stuart
Expand STE - Collection of John StedmanSTE - Collection of John Stedman
Expand STJ - Collection of Professor John A StrongSTJ - Collection of Professor John A Strong
Expand STL - Collection of Alexander Stewart STL - Collection of Alexander Stewart
Expand STO - Collection of Antony StorckSTO - Collection of Antony Storck
Expand STS - Collection of the Scottish Thoracic SocietySTS - Collection of the Scottish Thoracic Society
Expand STT - Collection of Thomas Grainger StewartSTT - Collection of Thomas Grainger Stewart
Expand STU - Collection of Angus Erskine StuartSTU - Collection of Angus Erskine Stuart
Expand TAH - Collection of Haldane TaitTAH - Collection of Haldane Tait
Expand TAJ - Collection of Jane TaylorTAJ - Collection of Jane Taylor
Expand THC - Collection of Charles Henry ThomasTHC - Collection of Charles Henry Thomas
Expand THJ - Collection of John Knowsley ThorntonTHJ - Collection of John Knowsley Thornton
Expand THO - Collection of John ThomsonTHO - Collection of John Thomson
Expand TRI - Collection of the Tricenarian ClubTRI - Collection of the Tricenarian Club
Expand TUC - Collection of Charles TupperTUC - Collection of Charles Tupper
Expand TUD - Collection of Dawson TurnerTUD - Collection of Dawson Turner
Expand TUJ - Collection of John TurnbullTUJ - Collection of John Turnbull
Expand TUW - Collection of William TurnbullTUW - Collection of William Turnbull
Expand UNC - Collection of Charles UnderhillUNC - Collection of Charles Underhill
Expand UNP - Collection of Paul UnnaUNP - Collection of Paul Unna
Expand VAG - Collection of Gerhard Van SwietenVAG - Collection of Gerhard Van Swieten
Expand WAA - Collection of Alexander WatsonWAA - Collection of Alexander Watson
Expand WAD - Collection of Douglas WatsonWAD - Collection of Douglas Watson
Expand WAM - Collection of Anne Mercer WatsonWAM - Collection of Anne Mercer Watson
Expand WAN - Collection of Norman WalkerWAN - Collection of Norman Walker
Expand WAR - Collection of William Pennefather WarrenWAR - Collection of William Pennefather Warren
Expand WAW - Collection of Alistair W WrightWAW - Collection of Alistair W Wright
Expand WDC - Collection of William D ChambersWDC - Collection of William D Chambers
Expand WEG - Collection of Ewart Geoffrey WalshWEG - Collection of Ewart Geoffrey Walsh
Expand WEJ - Collection of J Clarence WebsterWEJ - Collection of J Clarence Webster
Expand WHR - Collection of Robert WhyttWHR - Collection of Robert Whytt
Expand WIA - Collection of Alexander Philip WilsonWIA - Collection of Alexander Philip Wilson
Expand WIJ - Collection of James WilsonWIJ - Collection of James Wilson
Expand WIL - Collection of Ian WilmutWIL - Collection of Ian Wilmut
Expand WIS - Collection of Lawrence WilsonWIS - Collection of Lawrence Wilson
Expand WJB - Collection of John WilsonWJB - Collection of John Wilson
Expand WOA - Collection of Alexander WoodWOA - Collection of Alexander Wood
Expand WOO - Collection of Sir Michael WoodruffWOO - Collection of Sir Michael Woodruff
Expand WOP - Collection of Philip WorleyWOP - Collection of Philip Worley
Expand WOW - Collection of William WoodWOW - Collection of William Wood
Expand WRE - Collection of Edward WrightWRE - Collection of Edward Wright
Expand WYH - Collection of H B WyllieWYH - Collection of H B Wyllie
Expand WYW - Collection of W G WyllieWYW - Collection of W G Wyllie
Expand YOT - Collection of Thomas YoungYOT - Collection of Thomas Young