Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse OBJ - Object collections of the College OBJ - Object collections of the College
Expand ILL - Illustration and print collectionILL - Illustration and print collection
Expand NEW - Newspaper and other press collectionNEW - Newspaper and other press collection
Collapse OBJ - Medical and other objects collectionOBJ - Medical and other objects collection
Expand 1 - Medicines and ointments1 - Medicines and ointments
Expand 2 - Medical sets and kits2 - Medical sets and kits
Expand 3 - Medicine chests3 - Medicine chests
Expand 4 - Medical instruments and equipment4 - Medical instruments and equipment
Expand 5 - Ceremonial gifts and presented items5 - Ceremonial gifts and presented items
Expand 6 - Medical machines6 - Medical machines
Expand 7 - Brass bleeding bowls7 - Brass bleeding bowls
Collapse 8 - Doctors' bags and cases8 - Doctors' bags and cases
Expand 1 - Doctor's bag of Donald Angus Macmillan Shearer1 - Doctor's bag of Donald Angus Macmillan Shearer
Expand 2 - Doctor's bag (unknown owner, 1)2 - Doctor's bag (unknown owner, 1)
Expand 3 - Doctor's bag (unknown owner, 2)3 - Doctor's bag (unknown owner, 2)
Expand 4 - Doctor's bag of Donald Angus Macmillan Shearer4 - Doctor's bag of Donald Angus Macmillan Shearer
Expand 5 - Elastoplast First Aid Box5 - Elastoplast First Aid Box
Expand 6 - Doctor's bag of Anne Tait nee Ritchie (1)6 - Doctor's bag of Anne Tait nee Ritchie (1)
Expand 7 - Doctor's bag of Anne Tait nee Ritchie (2)7 - Doctor's bag of Anne Tait nee Ritchie (2)
Expand 8 - Cardboard box of medicines8 - Cardboard box of medicines
Expand 9 - Briefcase of A Douglas9 - Briefcase of A Douglas
Expand 10 - Doctor's bag [of John Strong]10 - Doctor's bag [of John Strong]
Expand 11 - Box of medicines and dolls of the Anderson family11 - Box of medicines and dolls of the Anderson family
Expand 12 - Medical case of Victor Hawthorne12 - Medical case of Victor Hawthorne
Expand 13 - Midwifery bag of Ian Graham McGregor13 - Midwifery bag of Ian Graham McGregor
Expand 14 - Box of medicines and instruments of Ian Melville14 - Box of medicines and instruments of Ian Melville
Expand 15 - Briefcase containing forensic fingerprint analysis kit15 - Briefcase containing forensic fingerprint analysis kit
Expand 16 - Box of medicines and instruments of James Willocks 16 - Box of medicines and instruments of James Willocks
Expand 17 - Medicine kit and personal items of John Crichton17 - Medicine kit and personal items of John Crichton
Expand 18 - Medical kit of Mark Strachan18 - Medical kit of Mark Strachan
Expand 19 - Premature baby kit of Dr Donald Angus Macmillan Shearer19 - Premature baby kit of Dr Donald Angus Macmillan Shearer
Expand 20 - Medical kit of Robert Howieson Steedman20 - Medical kit of Robert Howieson Steedman
Expand 21 - Medical kit of Ian Alexander Ruthven-Stuart21 - Medical kit of Ian Alexander Ruthven-Stuart
Expand 22 - Medical kit of Sandra Noble22 - Medical kit of Sandra Noble
Expand 23 - Medical kit of Kathy Strachan23 - Medical kit of Kathy Strachan
Expand 24 - Medical kit of William Henry Price24 - Medical kit of William Henry Price
Collapse 25 - Medical (and non-medical objects) kit of Philip Cousland25 - Medical (and non-medical objects) kit of Philip Cousland
Expand 9 - Bandages and plasters9 - Bandages and plasters
Expand 10 - Specimens from the College physic garden10 - Specimens from the College physic garden
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous objects11 - Miscellaneous objects
Expand 12 - Decorative items12 - Decorative items
Expand 13 - Seals and stamps13 - Seals and stamps
Expand 14 - College caps14 - College caps
Expand 15 - World war objects15 - World war objects
Expand 16 - Awards, medals and plaques16 - Awards, medals and plaques
Expand 17 - Physicians' canes17 - Physicians' canes
Expand 18 - Sydney Smith weapons and glass negatives18 - Sydney Smith weapons and glass negatives
Expand 19 - College silver (and selected other ornaments) collection19 - College silver (and selected other ornaments) collection
Expand 20 - Wax moulages20 - Wax moulages
Expand 21 - Lived experience 21 - Lived experience
Expand ORA - Audio and video: oral history interviews, lectures, public openings and broadcastingsORA - Audio and video: oral history interviews, lectures, public openings and broadcastings
Expand PAI - Painting collectionPAI - Painting collection
Expand PAM - Pamphlets, flyers and leafletsPAM - Pamphlets, flyers and leaflets
Expand PHO - Photograph collectionPHO - Photograph collection
Expand PLA - Architectural plans and floor plansPLA - Architectural plans and floor plans
Expand SCU - Sculpture and bust collectionSCU - Sculpture and bust collection
Expand ZIN - ZinesZIN - Zines