Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse OBJ - Object collections of the College OBJ - Object collections of the College
Expand ILL - Illustration and print collectionILL - Illustration and print collection
Expand NEW - Newspaper and other press collectionNEW - Newspaper and other press collection
Expand OBJ - Medical and other objects collectionOBJ - Medical and other objects collection
Collapse ORA - Audio and video: oral history interviews, lectures, public openings and broadcastingsORA - Audio and video: oral history interviews, lectures, public openings and broadcastings
Expand 1 - Oral history interviews carried out by the College (1973-2009)1 - Oral history interviews carried out by the College (1973-2009)
Collapse 2 - Conversations between Morrice McCrae and various individuals on the creation of the National Health Service (NHS)2 - Conversations between Morrice McCrae and various individuals on the creation of the National Health Service (NHS)
1 - Interview: Campbell, Ian (Honorary Physician to the Queen, Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the Lothian Health Board)
2 - Interview: Clayson, Christopher (President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh)
3 - Interview: Falconer, C Dale (Scottish Secretary of the BMA (British Medical Association), Assistant Director of the Medical Department of the British Council)
4 - Interview: Ford, James A (Registrar General for Scotland, novelist)
5 - Interview: Forfar, John O (Professor of Child Life and Health at Edinburgh University, President of the British Paediatric Society)
6 - Interview: Forsyth, Constance (Reader in Child Health and Dundee University)
7 - Interview: Fraser, Mark (Consultant Paediatrician and Professor of Paediatrics at Baroda)
8 - Interview: Fraser, Ronald P (Cabinet Office 1947-1954)
9 - Interview: Girdwood, Ronald H (President at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Edinburgh University)
10 - Interview: Graham, Sir Norman (Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health for Scotland 1945-1956)
11 - Interview: Grainger, Joyce (Consultant Physician, Edinburgh)
12 - Interview: Kilpatrick, Lord (President of the General Medical Council (GMC) 1989-1995, Professor of Medicine at Leicester University President to the British Medical Association)
13 - Interview: Kuenssberg, Ekkehard von (President of the Royal College of General Practitioners, General Practitioner, Granton)
14 - Interview: Lee, Michael R (Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at Edinburgh University)
15 - Interview: Lowther, Tony (Consultant Physician, geriatrics)
16 - Interview: McEwan, Alexander (General Practitioner, Dunfermline)
17 - Interview: McHarg, James (Consultant Psychiatrist)
18 - Interview: Moore, Robert (Scottish Ombudsman 1975-1978, Secretary of Eastern Regional Hospital Board)
19 - Interview: Mercer, James (Chief Administrator for Fife Health Board and General Practitioner at North Berwick)
20 - Interview: Orr, Margaret (Senior Nursing Officer at Western General Hospital, Edinburgh)
21 - Interview: Passmore, Reginald (Reader in Physiology at Edinburgh University)
22 - Interview: Rennie, Archibald (Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Scotland, Registrar General for Scotland and Secretary to the Scottish Home and Health Department)
23 - Interview: Shaw, Elizabeth (Matron at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary)
24 - Interview: Smith, John
25 - Interview: Williamson, James
Expand 3 - Recordings of College promotions, events and lectures3 - Recordings of College promotions, events and lectures
Expand 4 - Ad hoc interviews deposited with the College4 - Ad hoc interviews deposited with the College
Expand 5 - Oral history interviews carried out by the College (2018)5 - Oral history interviews carried out by the College (2018)
Expand 6 - Oral history interviews with Highlands and Islands practitioners carried out by the College (2021)6 - Oral history interviews with Highlands and Islands practitioners carried out by the College (2021)
Expand 7 - Oral history interviews carried out by Stewart Fletcher and David Simpson7 - Oral history interviews carried out by Stewart Fletcher and David Simpson
Expand 8 - Interviews for podcast8 - Interviews for podcast
Expand 9 - Interviews regarding climate change9 - Interviews regarding climate change
Expand PAI - Painting collectionPAI - Painting collection
Expand PAM - Pamphlets, flyers and leafletsPAM - Pamphlets, flyers and leaflets
Expand PHO - Photograph collectionPHO - Photograph collection
Expand PLA - Architectural plans and floor plansPLA - Architectural plans and floor plans
Expand SCU - Sculpture and bust collectionSCU - Sculpture and bust collection
Expand ZIN - ZinesZIN - Zines