Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse OBJ - Object collections of the College OBJ - Object collections of the College
Expand ILL - Illustration and print collectionILL - Illustration and print collection
Expand NEW - Newspaper and other press collectionNEW - Newspaper and other press collection
Expand OBJ - Medical and other objects collectionOBJ - Medical and other objects collection
Expand ORA - Audio and video: oral history interviews, lectures, public openings and broadcastingsORA - Audio and video: oral history interviews, lectures, public openings and broadcastings
Expand PAI - Painting collectionPAI - Painting collection
Expand PAM - Pamphlets, flyers and leafletsPAM - Pamphlets, flyers and leaflets
Collapse PHO - Photograph collectionPHO - Photograph collection
Expand 1 - Photographs of College buildings1 - Photographs of College buildings
Collapse 2 - Photographs of objects, artefacts and equipment2 - Photographs of objects, artefacts and equipment
Expand 3 - Photographs of individual people3 - Photographs of individual people
Expand 4 - Photographs of groups of people4 - Photographs of groups of people
5 - Photographs of College teams
6 - Photographs of College ceremonies
7 - Photographs of College public events
8 - Photographs of College committees and groups
9 - Photographs of College academic events
10 - Photographs of College parties and balls
11 - Photographs of unveilings, openings and launches
12 - Photographs of College's external events
13 - Photographs of presentations and gifts - both to and from the College
14 - Photographs of College royal visits
15 - Photographs of College overseas visits
16 - Photographs taken for publications
Expand 17 - Photograph albums17 - Photograph albums
18 - Photographs of examinations
19 - Glass slides of University of Edinburgh premises, staff and students
Expand PLA - Architectural plans and floor plansPLA - Architectural plans and floor plans
Expand SCU - Sculpture and bust collectionSCU - Sculpture and bust collection
Expand ZIN - ZinesZIN - Zines