Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse RCP - Records of the Royal College of Physicians of EdinburghRCP - Records of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Expand BUI - College building, land and fixturesBUI - College building, land and fixtures
Expand COL - College management, including committee meetingsCOL - College management, including committee meetings
Collapse COM - College official external communications and publicationsCOM - College official external communications and publications
1 - College blank printed forms and certificates
3 - College greeting cards and calendars
4 - College advertising brochures
5 - History of the College: articles, pamphlets and notes
6 - College press releases
7 - Chiron: The Newsletter of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
8 - Collegiate Members' Newsletter
9 - College President's Message
10 - Briefing package for new members of College Council
11 - Addresses issued by the College
12 - College publication: The Chronicle
13 - College publication: The Proceedings
14 - College publication: The Journal
Collapse 15 - Published proceedings of College symposia and lectures 15 - Published proceedings of College symposia and lectures
1 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Research in General Practice', 19 November 1954
2 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Enteric Fevers 1800-1920', 1954
3 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Society and Criminal Conduct', delivered by Sir David Kennedy Henderson, 1954
4 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Neuroses in General Practice', delivered by C A H Watts
5 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Anaemia and the Alimentary Tract: the Relationship between Changes in the Alimentary Tract and Deficiencies of Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12', delivered by L J Witts, 15 December 1955
6 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Care of the Elderly Sick in Practice', delivered by W Ferguson Anderson, 1956
7 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Treatment of High Blood Pressure', delivered by Frederick H Smirk, 8 May 1956
8 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Physiology of Learning', delivered by W Ritchie Russell, 25 October 1957
9 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Chemotherapy of Infections of the Urinary Tract', delivered by Lawrence P Garrod, 15 October 1958
10 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Contribution of Surgery to Clinical Cardiology', delivered by T Holmes Sellors, 15 April 1959
11 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Climate of Health', delivered by Sir Kenneth Cowan, 4 November 1959
12 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Anaemia and Operations on the Gastrointestinal Tract', delivered Sir Stanley Davidson, 26 October 1960
13 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Some Aspects of Renal Disease', 25 March 1961
14 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'The Study of Normal and Disordered Function of the Small Intestine', 1 December 1961
15 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Genetics in Medicine', 1 December 1961
16 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Antibiotics in Medicine', delivered by J D Allan Gray, 6 December 1962
17 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Chronic Respiratory Disorders', 7 December 1962
18 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Models and Methods in Psychiatric Research', delivered by W Malcolm Millar, 29 May 1963
19 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Lesions of the Aortic Root', delivered by Howard B Burchell, 2 October 1963
20 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Respiratory Failure', delivered by Ronald V Christie, 13 November 1963
21 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Corticosteroid Therapy - Uses and Abuses', delivered by J D N Nabarro, 5 December 1963
22 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Polyarthritis', 6 December 1963
23 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Dilemma of Bacterial Shock: With Special Reference to Endotoxin Shock', delivered by Wesley W Spink, 3 March 1964
24 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Toxoplasmosis', 13 May 1964
25 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Disorders of the Blood', 4 December 1964
26 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Disorders of the Heart and Circulation', 2 and 3 December 1965
27 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Responsibilities of Medicine in the Modern World', delivered by Lord Florey, 25 November 1966
28 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Thyroid Disease and Calcium Metabolism', 1 and 2 December 1966
29 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'The Hereditary Haemolytic Anaemias', delivered by J V Dacie, 13 January 1967
30 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Some Aspects of Neurology', 30 November and 1 December 1967
31 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Hazards of Therapy', 5 and 6 December 1968
32 - College Conference Proceedings: 'The Care of the Elderly in Scotland: A Follow-Up Report', 31 October 1969
33 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Intensive Therapy', 4 and 5 December 1969
34 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Developments in Postgraduate Medical Education', 10 June 1971
35 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Liver Disease', 2 and 3 December 1971
36 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Anorexia Nervosa and Obesity', 5 May 1972
37 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Preventive Medicine', 30 November and 1 December 1972
38 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Advances in Laboratory Medicine', 2 February 1973
39 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Puberty and Adolescence', 4 May 1973
40 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Viral Diseases', 6 and 7 December 1973
41 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Malignant Disease', 5 and 6 December 1974
42 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Infections and Infestations', 4 and 5 December 1975
43 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'The Eye in Medicine', 2 and 3 December 1976
44 - College Conference Proceedings: 'Integration of Patient Care', 1976
45 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Heritable Factors in Disease', 1 and 2 December 1977
46 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Prospects for Prevention', 30 November and 1 December 1978
47 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Nutrition', 6 and 7 December 1979
48 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Medicines from Prince Charles Edward to Prince Charles', delivered by Ronald H Girdwood, 7 December 1979
49 - College Conference Proceedings: 'Appropriate Care for the Elderly: Some Problems', 22 October 1980
50 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Prostacyclin in Health and Disease', delivered by John R Vane, 4 December 1981
51 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Renal Disease', [1982]
52 - College Symposium Proceedings: 'Medical Management of Malignant Disease', [1983]
53 - College Lecture Proceedings: 'Society and Criminal Conduct', delivered by Sir David Kennedy Henderson, 8 December 1954
16 - College publication: Current Medicine
Expand 17 - Ad hoc College publications and reports17 - Ad hoc College publications and reports
18 - College briefing papers
19 - College scroll certificate holder
20 - College international newsletter
Expand EVE - College events and educationEVE - College events and education
Expand EXA - College examinationsEXA - College examinations
Expand FEL - College fellowship and membershipFEL - College fellowship and membership
Expand FIN - College financesFIN - College finances
Expand GRA - College prizes, grants, bequests and awardsGRA - College prizes, grants, bequests and awards
Expand LAB - College laboratoryLAB - College laboratory
Expand LIB - College library and museumLIB - College library and museum
Expand RES - College research and standardsRES - College research and standards