Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse RCP - Records of the Royal College of Physicians of EdinburghRCP - Records of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Expand BUI - College building, land and fixturesBUI - College building, land and fixtures
Expand COL - College management, including committee meetingsCOL - College management, including committee meetings
Collapse COM - College official external communications and publicationsCOM - College official external communications and publications
1 - College blank printed forms and certificates
3 - College greeting cards and calendars
4 - College advertising brochures
5 - History of the College: articles, pamphlets and notes
6 - College press releases
7 - Chiron: The Newsletter of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
8 - Collegiate Members' Newsletter
9 - College President's Message
10 - Briefing package for new members of College Council
11 - Addresses issued by the College
12 - College publication: The Chronicle
13 - College publication: The Proceedings
14 - College publication: The Journal
Expand 15 - Published proceedings of College symposia and lectures 15 - Published proceedings of College symposia and lectures
16 - College publication: Current Medicine
Collapse 17 - Ad hoc College publications and reports17 - Ad hoc College publications and reports
1 - College publication: 'The Aetiology of Epidemic Infantile Gastro-Enteritis', by J Smith
2 - College publication: 'Measurements in Medicine', by Robert Cruickshank
3 - College publication: 'Tumour Viruses: A Review of New Agents and New Concepts', by Michael Stoker
4 - College publication: 'The Care of the Elderly in Scotland'
5 - College publication: 'J W Ballantyne, 1861-1923', by Helen Russell
6 - College publication: 'Medicine and the Mass Media: Answering Press Questions', by Martin Eastwood and Ian D Smith
7 - College publication: 'The Book of Knowledge, from the Mishnah Torah of Maimonides', by H M Russell and Rabbi J Weinberg
8 - College publication: 'The Bramwells of Edinburgh, A Medical Dynasty', by Bryan Ashworth
9 - College publication: 'Kings, Their Wars and the Messiah, from the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides', by H M Russell and Rabbi J Weinberg
10 - College publication: 'Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Tercentenary Congress 1981', Edited by Reginald Passmore
11 - College publication: 'Memorandum of Evidence on Medical Education' submitted by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh to the Royal Commission on Medical Education
12 - College publication: 'Co-operation Between Medical and Other Health Professions: A Series of Six Reports'
13 - College publication: 'The Royal College of Physician's of Edinburgh Health Priorities - Scotland'
14 - College publication: 'The Royal College of Physician's of Edinburgh Health Priorities - UK'
15 - College publication: 'Life in the time of COVID-19: the 2020 UK consultant consensus'
16 - College publication: 'Cross-College Workforce Report'
17 - College publication: 'Scottish Academy External Adviser Report'
18 - College publication: 'Standards for Ambulatory Emergency Care'
19 - College publication: 'Drug Deaths in Scotland: an increasingly medical problem'
20 - College publication: 'The future of the National Health Service in Northern Ireland: the debate'
21 - College publication: 'The time is now: An action plan for the 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly election from the three royal colleges of physicians'
22 - College publication: 'Integration in a diverse health and social care system: How effective are Integration Joint Boards?'
23 - College publication: 'The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland Strategic Priorities 2020-2023'
24 - College publication: 'The Future for the NHS in Scotland: The Debate'
25 - College publication: 'Policy priorities for the Scottish Parliament election 2021'
26 - College publication: 'Scotland Obesity Alliance Manifesto outline'
27 - College publication: 'Joint research statement by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland'
28 - College publication: 'Survey Results: A survey by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh's Trainees and Members' Committee on less than full-time training'
29 - College publication: 'Think transition: Developing the essential link between paediatric and adult care'
30 - College publication: 'Think transition: Developing the essential link between paediatric and adult care. Executive summary'
31 - College publication: 'Continuing medical education for trained physicians'
32 - College publication: 'Training in medicine for the Senior House Officer, A Joint Report of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of General Practitioners
33 - College publication: 'Review of working patterns, training and experience of medical SHOs in Scotland'
34 - College publication: 'A review of professional practices in Scotland with recommendations for debrate and action. Scottish Intercollegiate Working Party on acute medical admissions and the future of general medicine'
35 - College publication: 'Higher specialist training opportunities and challenges'
36 - College publication: 'Consensus conference, leucocyte depletion of blood and blood components
37 - College publication: 'Hepatitis C, int he context of blood transfusion service lookback studies and similar circumstances (Scotland). A report produced by a working party'
38 - College publication: 'Personal perspectives on the future of remote and rural medicine in Scotland'
18 - College briefing papers
19 - College scroll certificate holder
20 - College international newsletter
Expand EVE - College events and educationEVE - College events and education
Expand EXA - College examinationsEXA - College examinations
Expand FEL - College fellowship and membershipFEL - College fellowship and membership
Expand FIN - College financesFIN - College finances
Expand GRA - College prizes, grants, bequests and awardsGRA - College prizes, grants, bequests and awards
Expand LAB - College laboratoryLAB - College laboratory
Expand LIB - College library and museumLIB - College library and museum
Expand RES - College research and standardsRES - College research and standards