
Ref NoDEP/ERG/1/6/2
Acc No2013/89
TitleAlchemical manuscripts of George Erskine: Mediante Ego Theophilius Schuveighart [Theophilius Schweighardt] Centralleanicus Saeculi Benedicti praeco et philosophiae
DateLate 17th century
Description Of ItemBetween pages 6 and 7 is an illustration of a temple on wheels; between pages 8 and 9 is a lit headed 'Arbor Pansophiae' and a cabbalistic diagram linking the elements of nature; and between pages 14 and 15 is an illustration of alchemists with the headings 'Ergon', Cum Deo and Parergon. Pages 1-31.
Extent20 pieces
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