
Ref NoOBJ/SCU/39
Acc No2024/63
TitleBust of Haldane, Daniel Rutherford (1824-1887)
Description Of ItemAccording to the council minutes in November 1887 Dr Wyllie had ‘asked the Council to take some steps procuring a bust of the late Dr. Haldane’, and therefore the treasurer was instructed to ‘ascertain informally the cost of one understood to be in preparation’. Later that month the treasurer reported having met Charles McBride who was then making a bust of Haldane. McBride had told the treasurer that his fee ‘was from one hundred to one hundred and twenty guineas’. The College decided to request a cast of the bust in plaster so ‘the Fellows of the College might have an opportunity of judging its merits’ before deciding whether or not to purchase a marble bust. In February the following year the council minutes note that the fellows had now seen the requested plaster bust and the following month they decided to purchase the bust, which depicts Haldane in contemporary dress, in marble ‘at a cost of one hundred guineas’.

Artist: McBride, Charles
Extent1 item
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