
Ref NoDEP/ANO/15/3
Title'Traités de médecine', author unknown
Description Of ItemThe first page of the first section has the title 'Traité De Quelques maladies Particulieres' arranged by disease with causes, effects, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and questions and the section is numbered pp1-316 (in French); the first page of the second section has the title 'De Morbiae interniae' arranged by disease with causes, effects, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and questions and the section is numbered pp3-194 with an index (in Latin); the first page of the third section is titled 'De Affectibucr. Faeminarum Proaemium', arranged as 99 parts with corollaries and the section is numbered pp1-82 and ends 'finis principiorum Domini Ferrein' (in Latin); the fourth section is titled 'Appendix ad Cachexiam' and is numbered pp1-23 (in Latin); the fifth section is titled 'Historia Sanguinis Humani' in 98 paragraphs (in Latin); the sixth section is titled 'Cascarillae - Analysis Chemica et Virtutes' (in Latin); the seventh section is titled 'De Saliva' (in Latin); and the eighth section is titled 'Catalogue general des Bandages pour [?] Monsieur Lavaré [?] a Paris' which describes the different kinds and uses of bandages (in French). Author possibly Antoine Ferrein. Undated. Distinctive bird watermark.
Extent1 volume
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