
Ref NoDEP/CRW/1/8
TitleArticles and lectures by William Stuart Craig, numbers 181-203
Obstetrics and gynaecology
Physical disability
Description Of ItemIncludes lecture 'Interpreting Clinical Observations in the Premature' to Midwives Refresher Course; 'Breast Feeding Today'; 'The Breasts and Breast Feeding' by Harold Waller; 'Your New Baby' Child Health; 'Advances in Paediatrics' The Practitioner; 'On Real and Apparent External Bleeding in the Newborn' Archives of Disease in Childhood; 'Bleeding in the Newborn' British Medical Journal; advertisement for 'Care of the Newly Born Infant' by W S Craig et al; address 'Changes in the Care of Child Life and Health - random reflections' to National Council of the Association of Children's Homes; address to Supervisors of Midwives Leeds Maternity Hospital; 'Interpreting Observations in the Premature Baby' Nursing Times; 'Admissions and Readmissions from District to the Special Baby-care Unit of a Maternity Hospital' British Medical Journal; letter in response to the previous article by Muriel J L Frazer; address 'Failure to Thrive' to British Medical Association Tees-side branch; 'Obturator Palsy in the Newly Born' by W S Craig and J M P Clark, Archives of Disease in Childhood; 'Admission of babies newborn on district to special baby care unit' Nursing Mirror; 'The Early Detection of Pyrexia in the Newborn' Archives of Disease in Childhood; review of 'Exploration Biologique en Pediatrie' by J Colin and C Polonovski; lecture to Royal College of Midwives Leeds; review of 'Advantages of Special Baby-Care Unit in Maternity Hospital'; 'Lessons Derived from Ten Years' Experience of the Special Baby-care Unit in a Maternity Hospital' British Medical Journal; lecture 'Widening Horizons' to Bradford Society for Mentally Handicapped Children; review of 'The Nursing Care of Children' by I L Armstrong and J J Bowder; obituary of Charles McNeil; review of 'Handicapped Children and their Families - The Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Dunfermline'; lecture 'Old 'Ions' to Royal College of Midwives Refresher Course; 'Special baby care unit at Leeds Maternity Hospital' Nursing Mirror; and 'The Special Baby Care Unit of a Maternity Hospital - the first eleven years' by W S Craig and Mary Pattullo.
Extent1 volume
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