
Ref NoDEP/CUL/1/3/124
TitleLetter from C Blagden, Gower Street, Bedford Square [London] to William Cullen
Date5 Jul 1785
Description Of ItemHe encloses a copy of the paper read by Mr Cavendish at the Royal Society (not included) in which he shows that the 'phlogisticated part of our atmosphere is convertible into nitrous acid' although it still does not settle the debate on the existence of phlogiston 'whichever of the two systems Stahl's or Lavoisier's obtains'. He also writes of experiments by George Fordyce on the affect of heat on the gravity of bodies and experiments by Monsieur Berthollet, a French chemist, which show that volatile alkali consist of phlogisticated air united to inflammable air. He also introduces Mr Luzuriaga 'one of those gentlemen whom the King of Spain in the most liberal manner is sending for instruction to all the more enlightened parts of Europe'. In index.
Extent1 piece
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