
Ref NoDEP/CUL/1/3/87
TitleLetter from S F Simmons, Air Street, Picadilly [Piccadilly, London] to William Cullen
Date5 Jun 1783
Description Of ItemHe has sent on Cullen's letter to Dr Ellison in Wakefield. He has used bats' eyes [?] as a remedy as recommended by Van Dorveren but has never seen any benefits and no longer uses it. He has looked at Monro's work on nerves but was disappointed possibly because he had recently seen some very good anatomical engravings by Professor Walter of Berlin. He also wonders why Monro used ten engravings to show the optical nerve when one would have been sufficient. He has undertaken to say a eulogy for Dr Hunter at the Society of Physicians. There has also been an account of his life in the Gentlemen's Magazine partly by Simmons and party by Mr Combe. He asks Cullen for any other anecdotes of Hunter's life. Even Hunter's brother did not know his date of birth. He has received six numbers of a Journal de Médecine Militaire which is published in Paris by order of the government and consists of observations from all the military hospitals 'but as yet is has afforded nothing very interesting'. He has had a letter from Broussonnet at Montpellier who told him that they have discovered a method of making silk from the bark of mulberry trees. In index.
Extent1 piece
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