
Ref NoDEP/DUA/2/2
TitleNotebook of Andrew Duncan [titled 'Draft Laws of the Royal Medical Society' - used as notebook]
Datec1803 - c1824
Description Of ItemThe volume was a draft list of laws relating to office holders and membership of the Royal Medical Society, as that forms the majority of the information. Duncan used the spare pages for other notes and in some cases has stuck newspaper cuttings over the original text. The list below gives the items, including the chapters of the draft laws, in the order in which they appear in the volume. Throughout are poems and short epigrams in English and Latin but the main articles include:
- Chapter 1st 'Of Presidents'
- account of a very large cauliflower, 22nd October 1803
- motto of the family of Dr Dodderidge
- Chapter 1st 'Of Presidents - Penalties'
- 'A Fable founded on a true Tale
- newspaper notice advising that Mr Bell was not giving lectures with a fifteen stanza poem in response, 1801
- page from the Edinburgh Advertiser with plans for the defence of the Forth, anniversary meeting of the Caledonian Gardeners' Lodge and Public Dispensary and Vaccine Institution of Edinburgh annual meeting 1803
- epigrams from the Literary Journal
- 'Here's a Health to very British Tar or the Battle of La Hogue May 19th 1692' a poem
- inscriptions proposed for silverware to be sent to Duncan's wife
- epigram on Dr Lettsome
- poem 'The Paper Pellet Duel'
- Chapter 2nd concerning honorary members
- Miss Hamilton's rules for making a good servant in verse
- Chapter 3rd concerning Extraordinary members
- Chapter 4th of ordinary members
- 'De Conservanda valetudine bona liber schola salernitanae'
- poem 'Written to a great patron of indigent merit'
- 'A view of the invisible world from the top of Arthur's Seat near Edinburgh on Friday 1st May 1807 during a thick fog at seven o'clock in the mroning' a poem
- 'To Maria on hearing her sing' a poem
- Chapter 5th of the Secretary
- from The Globe of April 3rd 1812, a letter from Rugby School addressed to W H Lyttleton on his proposal to ban the use of physical punishment in the navy and its possible extension to public schools
- epigram on hearing read a Latin inscription intended for a cup to be presented to Walter Scott
- 'Contemplation on the top of Arthur's Seat 1st May 1812' a poem
- reply on reading correspondence of the Caledonian Horticultural Society, a poem
- fragment of an epitaph on George Dempster
- epitaph in the cathedral of Dunblane
- Chapter 7th of Visitors
- newspaper notices of the publication of Grant's essay on yellow fever
- arrangements for his funeral
- Chapter 1st of Meetings
- 'A Nursery song', poem 1799
- lines said to be from an old seamen who lost an arm at the Battle of Trafalgar upon visiting the construction of the Nelson Monument on Calton Hill
- Chapter 3rd concerning Papers
- newspaper notice of the death of Henry Erskine, 1817 with a poem on his death
- 'Epilogue to the Tragedy of Brutus or the fall of Tarquin'
- newspaper advertisement by the London Patent Medicine Company listing their products and prices
- 'Carmen Seculare'
- Chapter 5th of the Society's Money
- printed poem 'To My Umbrella' from the Edinburgh Advertiser, 1824
- 'Song written by Sir Alexander Boswell which led to the melancholy event of his being shot by Mr Stuart of Dunnearn'
- Chapter 5th of the Library
- Section 1 of new laws
- Section 2 of Committees
- Section 3 of the diploma
Extent1 volume
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