Description Of Item | A cylindrical bottle with a wooden stopper containing Calcarea Carbonica, prepared by a homeopathic chemist Joseph James, Promenade Place, Cheltenham, who had worked for Arthur Guinness M.D. and undertook the company and changed the name to Joseph James M.P.S (Members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, now is The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain) afterwards.
Calcarea Carbonica are also called Carbonate of Lime, which exist in great abundance in nature. It is found dissolved, in small quantities, in many gaseous mineral waters, and it forms the basis of the skeletons of animals, of coral, of the nacre of pearl, of egg-shells. In homeopathy, it was recommended to derive sub-carbonate of lime from the shell of the oyster. Bruising the oyster shell into grain and mix with sugar of milk to be triturated and dissolving them and making the remaining necessary attenuations with alcohol. |