
Ref NoOBJ/SCU/36
Acc No2024/65
TitleBust of Gregory, James (1753-1821)
Description Of ItemThere are two plaster busts of Dr James Gregory on display in the Great Hall, both of which depict him in a classicised style.

The College received the first of these busts in 1823 and the council minutes of 30 January record that ‘Mr. Fraser Tyler has offered, through Dr. John Playfair, to present to the College a bust of the late Dr. James Gregory.’ The bust had been received by February and the minutes record that it had been made by ‘Samuel Josephs, a well known sculptor of the time’. It is probable that this ‘Samuel Josephs’, was actually Samuel Joseph (1790/91-1850). Joseph is noted for often displaying a naturalistic and somewhat flamboyant style for his time, however his neo-classical depiction of Gregory remains largely restrained and formal in its execution and tone.

As well as the second bust of Gregory the College also possesses a portrait of Gregory (after Raeburn) and Gregory's profile can be found amongst the roundel portraits in the frieze in the Great Hall.

Artist: Joseph, Samuel
Extent1 item
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