
Ref NoOBJ/SCU/54
Acc No2024/58
TitleBust of MacLagan, Sir Andrew Douglas (1812-1900)
Date[late 19th / early 20th century]
Description Of ItemThere are detailed records detailing how the College came into possession of this bust in 1914. In a letter to the College Dr Robert Craig MacLagan wrote that:

I learned a few days ago that the college possesses a terra-cotta copy of the bust of my father the late Sir Douglas MacLagan, by Hutchison and now in the University. I was further told that to make it in some sort uniform with those in marble it had to be white washed. I went to see it, and after inspection I have determined to offer the College a copy in marble.

According to another letter from Robert the aforementioned copy of the university’s Hutchison bust was ready by 31 March 1914. The College's records do not indicate who was responsible for this copy of Hutchison's 1887 original.

Nonetheless, once this bust was completed, Robert was concerned that the old terracotta bust of his father would not be left anywhere near the new marble bust and he told the College that he would ‘see at once to the delivering of the latter’ once they had decided where the older bust was to be placed. Consequently, the College decided to send the terracotta bust to Robert as ‘The College would wish you to deal with the plaster cast entirely as you may wish’. The new marble bust, which depicts MacLagan wearing his university robe, was in position by 7 April 1914 according to the council minutes of that date.

Alongside this piece the college also possesses a bust of MacLagan by John Steell.
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