
Acc No2024/37
TitleAmbiguous loss zine
Description Of ItemZine author is Hannah Lee Miller.

According to Miller's blog (
'My name is Hannah Lee Miller, I am a Londoner.

I have a strong life time background in art, coming from a very creative family.

I have spent most of my life writing, crafting, sculpting, illustrating and creating, it is very much something I do. I am inspired by people, philosophy, poetry, nature and crafts, to name but a few things. Life in general and the world I live in inspires me on a daily basis.

I like very early mornings, coffee and the River Thames, preferably combined, my favourite bridge is Vauxhall Bridge as it is quiet and has very large sculptures facing the river of women holding sculptures of different aspects of the city. I first discovered these when canoeing on the river (which I have fallen into 3 times.)

I am also a Graduate with a Masters in Animation Direction from The National Film and Television School'.

Also on her blog she states that:
'Been an arts and craftists since I was a kid, my whole family are creative of which I am proud.

My mum is a book worm, a knitter/croucheter and a pretty darn good cartoonist (though she'd deny it)

My Dad worked as an architect for many years, and in his spare time and retirement is a painter, sculptor, funny and gentle man.

My sister is the famous London crazy mural lady, has also had a life in fashion, also an artist all her life, fantastic illustrator. She's now also the Mum of Princess Booboo of Brixton, my newest niece.

My brother is a crazy creative DIY enthusiast, also sculpts and generally makes things, earns his keep as a interweb security architect or something.

My other brother is a creative director in New York and is super cool, also a photographer and has produced two amazing daughters, my phenomenal nieces and now a fabulous son, my 1st nephew.

My other sister lives on a boat and is a singer with a stunning voice.

and of course there's my extended family but that's a whole other story...'

The description of this zine given by Miller online is:
'A zine about the gradual loss of my father through Dementia.
I learnt a tough lesson which was just because they weren't the same person didn't mean there was any less love and laughter to share.'
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